Deildarsýning Fjár- og hjarðhundadeildar /Herding Dog Clubshow
Ölfusi, 2. September 2023
Dómari/judge: Marko Ljutic
21 skráðir/entered.
VP/P/LP: Very promising/Promising/Less promising
Ex/Vg/G: Excellent, Very good, Good
BM/BF: Best male/Best female
CK/Cert: Champion quality, Champion certificate
BOB/BOS: Best of breed, Best of opposite sex
Puppy class
P. Sandviksheltie Dream Big (Ch Lundecock’s Coconut x Alucia Glee’s Blond Chick. Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Breeder: Marianne Sandvik, NO): 7 months puppy. Excellent in type and size [but] out of balance over all. Excellent head and expression. Beautiful ears. Would want better shoulder and depth of chest. Very good length of ribs. Bit too wide when going. Tendency of putting up the tail. Excellent coat texture and color.
Open class
Vg,1. Kirkjufells Special Legacy (Ch Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Ch Undralands Force Majeure. Breeder: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir, Owner: Freyja Kristín Rúnarsdóttir): 3 year old dog. Very good in type and size, too big. Very good head and expression. Correct in balance but want more depth in chest. Very good tail set and carriage. Excellent temperament and exceptional presentation.
Vg,2. Undralands Once Upon A Time (Ch Louanda Time And Time Again x Ch Island Shelties Winter Wonder. Breeder: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir. Owner: Erna Sigríður Ómarsdóttir): 4 year old dog. Excellent in type and size but overall bit narrow. Would want more laid back shoulder and deeper chest. Excellent length of ribs. Strong in loin. Too narrow behind. Excellent coat texture and color. Excellent carriage of tail and presentation.
Champion class
Ex,1,CK,BM1,BOS. CIB NORDICCh ISCH SECH Moorwood Special Bookmaker (Ch Lythwood Sundealer x Ch Moorwood Flaming Goldilock. Owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Breeder: Birgitta/Per Svarstad): 6,5 years old dog. Excellent in type and size. Very flashy in appearance. Very good head and expression. Excellent front angulation. Excellent ribs. Would want slightly deeper chest. Excellent topline. Very good in rear. Excellent tail set and carriage. Tons of coat and quality. Want smarter grooming for too much coat.
Vg,2. ISCh Bláfelds Karli (Ch Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Bláfelds White Snow. Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir, Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir/Arndís Halla Guðmundsdóttir): 2,5 years olf. Excellent in type and size. Very good head and expression. Want more body, more laid back shoulder and deeper chest. Bit narrow behind. Lovely size. Out of coat. Excellent croup [and] tail carriage. Excellent side gait. Lacks body.
Baby class
SL,1,BOB baby. Bláfelds Eldey (Kirkjufells Special Legacy x Bláfelds Precious Time. Eig: Freyja Kristín Rúnarsdóttir/Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Rækt: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir): 5 month old puppy. Very good type and size. Excellent head and expression. Excellent ears set [and] shape of the eyes. I would slightly want a bit [more] laid back shoulder and deeper chest. Excellent bone and feet. Round ribs. Strong in loin. Excellent rear. Excellent in croup [and] tail carriage. Excellent temperament. Excellent presentation. Excellent coat and color.
SL,2. Kirkjufells Blue Ivy (Bláfelds Karli x Ch Undralands Force Majeure. Eig: x. Rækt: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir). Excellent in type and size. With a beautiful temperament. Real show prospect. Excellent head and expression. Excellent front angulation, although I want a bit more depth of the chest. Excellent ribs. Strong in loin. Excellent rear. Excellent tail set and carriage. Excellent coat texture and color. Very showy puppy.
ABS. Kirkjufells Blue Pearl. (Bláfelds Karli x Ch Undralands Force Majeure. Eig/Rækt: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir).
Junior class
Vg,1. Ljóna A view to a kill (Ch Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands Three Times A Lady. Owner: Ásta Kara Sveinsdóttir. Breeder: Sóley Halla Möller). 14 m old bitch. Excellent in type and size. Excellent temperament. Want more laid back shoulders and back. Bit narrow behind. Want slightly stronger bone. Excellent head.
Vg,2. Undralands Þoka (Ch Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Islands Shelties A Kind Of Magic. Owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Breeder: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir). 1 year old bitch. Very good type. Ecxellent in size. Excellent head and expression. Lacks body. Excellent front angulation but want more body in depth. Bit narrow when going. Side gait is excellent. Want stronger temperament.
Intermediate class
Ex,1,CK BB2,Cert. Bláfelds Askja (Ch Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Ch Request Classic Success. Eig/Rækt: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir): 1,5 years old bitch. Excellent type and size. Very good head and expression. Could have more laid back shoulders. Excellent ribs and topline. Excellent when going. Excellent side gait. I love her. Excellent presentation.
Vg,2. Stekkjardals Bestå (Ch Undralands Time Bomb x Islands Shelties Everdeen. Eig/Rækt: Erla Heiðrún Benediktsdóttir/Guðmundur Rúnar Árnason): 22 month old bitch. Very good in type and size. Very good head and expression. Good ribs but [I] want more depth of chest, then [she] would be more stable coming. Excellent topline. Bit week behind. Want stronger temperament on table.
ABS. Þjóðholts Viska (Ch Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands Bona Fide. Breeder/Owner: Þórunn Jónasdóttir)
Open class
Ex,1,CK,BB3. Undralands Dögg (Ch Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Ch Undralands A Star Is Born. Ower: Lilja D Halldórdsóttir, Breeder: Lilja D Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir): 2 years old. Excellent in type and size Excellent head and expression. Bit straight in front. Excellent ribs, could be slightly deeper chest. Excellent tail carriage and set. Excellent mover.
Ex,2. Kirkjufells Dynamite (Ch Undralands Time Bomb x CH Undralands Force Majeure. Eig: Elín Huld Kjartansdóttir, Rækt: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir): 19 months old. Excellent in type. Seems bit longer in proportions. Has lot of quality. Excellent head and expression. Want better ears. Excellent in front. Excellent front angulation, could be slightly deeper. Excellent length of ribs. Could be shorter in loin. Excellent tail carriage. Excellent strong rear. Excellent mover.
ABS. Kirkjufells Special Beginning (Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Ch. Undralands Force Majeure. Eig/Rækt: Herdís Tómasdóttir).
ABS. Undralands Galdra-Þula (Bláfelds Time To Fly x Undralands Bona Fide. Owner: Þórunn Jónasdóttir. Breeder: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir):
Champion class, bitch
Ex,1,CK,BB1,BOB,BIS4. Undralands A Star Is Born (Ch Louanda Time After Time x Moorwood Flaming Sunrose. Eig: Lilja D Halldorsdóttir. Rækt: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir): 4,5 years old. Excellent type but up to size. Excellent front angulation [and] ribs depth. Excellent when coming but narrow going. Excellent croup and tail carriage. Excellent coat texture and color.
Ex,2,CK,BB4. Islands Shelties Everdeen (Ch. Moorwood Simply Pleasant x Ch. Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Breeder: Vignir Sigurðsson. Owner: Erla Heiðrún Benediktsdóttir/Guðmundur rúnar Árnason). 5 years old, excellent type and size. Excellent head and expression. Excellent in front and rear angulation. Excellent length of ribs. Strong loin. Want more depth of chest. Excellent croup and tail set. Excellent foot timing.
Breeders group
EX-1,HP,BOB, BIS-3 Breeders Group. Undralands: Excellent in type and size. Excellent head and expressions. Excellent body balance but want more depth of chest. Want more angled laid back shoulder. Excellent length of ribs, topline and tail carriages.
Progeny group
Ex,1,HP,BOB progeny group. Moorwood Special Bookmaker: Obviously excellent producing male because two of the bitches I find high quality, expecially the 2nd best bitch. Excellent size and type of bitches. Want deeper chest.
Ölfusi, 2. September 2023
Dómari/judge: Marko Ljutic
21 skráðir/entered.
VP/P/LP: Very promising/Promising/Less promising
Ex/Vg/G: Excellent, Very good, Good
BM/BF: Best male/Best female
CK/Cert: Champion quality, Champion certificate
BOB/BOS: Best of breed, Best of opposite sex
Puppy class
P. Sandviksheltie Dream Big (Ch Lundecock’s Coconut x Alucia Glee’s Blond Chick. Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Breeder: Marianne Sandvik, NO): 7 months puppy. Excellent in type and size [but] out of balance over all. Excellent head and expression. Beautiful ears. Would want better shoulder and depth of chest. Very good length of ribs. Bit too wide when going. Tendency of putting up the tail. Excellent coat texture and color.
Open class
Vg,1. Kirkjufells Special Legacy (Ch Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Ch Undralands Force Majeure. Breeder: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir, Owner: Freyja Kristín Rúnarsdóttir): 3 year old dog. Very good in type and size, too big. Very good head and expression. Correct in balance but want more depth in chest. Very good tail set and carriage. Excellent temperament and exceptional presentation.
Vg,2. Undralands Once Upon A Time (Ch Louanda Time And Time Again x Ch Island Shelties Winter Wonder. Breeder: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir. Owner: Erna Sigríður Ómarsdóttir): 4 year old dog. Excellent in type and size but overall bit narrow. Would want more laid back shoulder and deeper chest. Excellent length of ribs. Strong in loin. Too narrow behind. Excellent coat texture and color. Excellent carriage of tail and presentation.
Champion class
Ex,1,CK,BM1,BOS. CIB NORDICCh ISCH SECH Moorwood Special Bookmaker (Ch Lythwood Sundealer x Ch Moorwood Flaming Goldilock. Owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Breeder: Birgitta/Per Svarstad): 6,5 years old dog. Excellent in type and size. Very flashy in appearance. Very good head and expression. Excellent front angulation. Excellent ribs. Would want slightly deeper chest. Excellent topline. Very good in rear. Excellent tail set and carriage. Tons of coat and quality. Want smarter grooming for too much coat.
Vg,2. ISCh Bláfelds Karli (Ch Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Bláfelds White Snow. Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir, Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir/Arndís Halla Guðmundsdóttir): 2,5 years olf. Excellent in type and size. Very good head and expression. Want more body, more laid back shoulder and deeper chest. Bit narrow behind. Lovely size. Out of coat. Excellent croup [and] tail carriage. Excellent side gait. Lacks body.
Baby class
SL,1,BOB baby. Bláfelds Eldey (Kirkjufells Special Legacy x Bláfelds Precious Time. Eig: Freyja Kristín Rúnarsdóttir/Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Rækt: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir): 5 month old puppy. Very good type and size. Excellent head and expression. Excellent ears set [and] shape of the eyes. I would slightly want a bit [more] laid back shoulder and deeper chest. Excellent bone and feet. Round ribs. Strong in loin. Excellent rear. Excellent in croup [and] tail carriage. Excellent temperament. Excellent presentation. Excellent coat and color.
SL,2. Kirkjufells Blue Ivy (Bláfelds Karli x Ch Undralands Force Majeure. Eig: x. Rækt: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir). Excellent in type and size. With a beautiful temperament. Real show prospect. Excellent head and expression. Excellent front angulation, although I want a bit more depth of the chest. Excellent ribs. Strong in loin. Excellent rear. Excellent tail set and carriage. Excellent coat texture and color. Very showy puppy.
ABS. Kirkjufells Blue Pearl. (Bláfelds Karli x Ch Undralands Force Majeure. Eig/Rækt: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir).
Junior class
Vg,1. Ljóna A view to a kill (Ch Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands Three Times A Lady. Owner: Ásta Kara Sveinsdóttir. Breeder: Sóley Halla Möller). 14 m old bitch. Excellent in type and size. Excellent temperament. Want more laid back shoulders and back. Bit narrow behind. Want slightly stronger bone. Excellent head.
Vg,2. Undralands Þoka (Ch Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Islands Shelties A Kind Of Magic. Owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Breeder: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir). 1 year old bitch. Very good type. Ecxellent in size. Excellent head and expression. Lacks body. Excellent front angulation but want more body in depth. Bit narrow when going. Side gait is excellent. Want stronger temperament.
Intermediate class
Ex,1,CK BB2,Cert. Bláfelds Askja (Ch Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Ch Request Classic Success. Eig/Rækt: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir): 1,5 years old bitch. Excellent type and size. Very good head and expression. Could have more laid back shoulders. Excellent ribs and topline. Excellent when going. Excellent side gait. I love her. Excellent presentation.
Vg,2. Stekkjardals Bestå (Ch Undralands Time Bomb x Islands Shelties Everdeen. Eig/Rækt: Erla Heiðrún Benediktsdóttir/Guðmundur Rúnar Árnason): 22 month old bitch. Very good in type and size. Very good head and expression. Good ribs but [I] want more depth of chest, then [she] would be more stable coming. Excellent topline. Bit week behind. Want stronger temperament on table.
ABS. Þjóðholts Viska (Ch Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands Bona Fide. Breeder/Owner: Þórunn Jónasdóttir)
Open class
Ex,1,CK,BB3. Undralands Dögg (Ch Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Ch Undralands A Star Is Born. Ower: Lilja D Halldórdsóttir, Breeder: Lilja D Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir): 2 years old. Excellent in type and size Excellent head and expression. Bit straight in front. Excellent ribs, could be slightly deeper chest. Excellent tail carriage and set. Excellent mover.
Ex,2. Kirkjufells Dynamite (Ch Undralands Time Bomb x CH Undralands Force Majeure. Eig: Elín Huld Kjartansdóttir, Rækt: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir): 19 months old. Excellent in type. Seems bit longer in proportions. Has lot of quality. Excellent head and expression. Want better ears. Excellent in front. Excellent front angulation, could be slightly deeper. Excellent length of ribs. Could be shorter in loin. Excellent tail carriage. Excellent strong rear. Excellent mover.
ABS. Kirkjufells Special Beginning (Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Ch. Undralands Force Majeure. Eig/Rækt: Herdís Tómasdóttir).
ABS. Undralands Galdra-Þula (Bláfelds Time To Fly x Undralands Bona Fide. Owner: Þórunn Jónasdóttir. Breeder: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir):
Champion class, bitch
Ex,1,CK,BB1,BOB,BIS4. Undralands A Star Is Born (Ch Louanda Time After Time x Moorwood Flaming Sunrose. Eig: Lilja D Halldorsdóttir. Rækt: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir): 4,5 years old. Excellent type but up to size. Excellent front angulation [and] ribs depth. Excellent when coming but narrow going. Excellent croup and tail carriage. Excellent coat texture and color.
Ex,2,CK,BB4. Islands Shelties Everdeen (Ch. Moorwood Simply Pleasant x Ch. Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Breeder: Vignir Sigurðsson. Owner: Erla Heiðrún Benediktsdóttir/Guðmundur rúnar Árnason). 5 years old, excellent type and size. Excellent head and expression. Excellent in front and rear angulation. Excellent length of ribs. Strong loin. Want more depth of chest. Excellent croup and tail set. Excellent foot timing.
Breeders group
EX-1,HP,BOB, BIS-3 Breeders Group. Undralands: Excellent in type and size. Excellent head and expressions. Excellent body balance but want more depth of chest. Want more angled laid back shoulder. Excellent length of ribs, topline and tail carriages.
Progeny group
Ex,1,HP,BOB progeny group. Moorwood Special Bookmaker: Obviously excellent producing male because two of the bitches I find high quality, expecially the 2nd best bitch. Excellent size and type of bitches. Want deeper chest.