CIB NORDICCh ISCh ISJCh ISVCh RW-18,19 OB-1 Undralands Force Majeure (Sóley)IS21550/16 - tík
Fd: 12.10.2015 Eigandi: Herdís G. Tomasdóttir, Kirkjufells ræktun Ræktandi: Lilja D Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir, Undralands ræktun Foreldrar: CIB ISCh RW-15 Moorwood Follow The Fashion og CIB ISCh JCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant Litur: Sable Augnskoðun/Eye test results: 25.02.2023: OD: One distichiasis palp sup (augnhár) 22.11.2019: Free 22.02.2019: Free 9.11.2017: Free DNA: MDR-1: Free S-locus (piebald colour): Free Sýningaárangur: 2024: 8.06.2024 NDS Hfj (Erna Sigríður Ómarsdóttir, IS): BÖT,VetCC 13.04.2024: Nat.Clubshow Selfoss (Zorica Blomqvist, SE): BÖT,VetCC 02.03.2024 IDS Kóp (Liz-Beth Liljeqvist, SE): BÖT,VetCC,VETCACIB 2023: 4.03.2023 IDS Kóp (Morten Matthes DK): BOS,CACIB 2019: 23.11.2019 Rvk NDS (Karin Gilliland, IR): BB2,R-NCAC 25.08.19 IDS Hfj (Arne Foss, NO): BOS, CACIB 24.08.19 NDS Hfj (Karl-Erik Johansson, SE): BOB, NCAC 9.06.19 IDS Hfj (Tanja Ahlman-Stockmari, FI): BOB, CACIB 8.06.2019 NDS Hfj (Terje Lindstöm, NO): BOB, NCAC, RW-19 23.02.19 IDS Rvk (Anna Brankovic, Serbia): BOS, CACIB 2018: 24.11.18: NDS Rvk (Leif-Herman Wilbert, No): BOS, NCAC 26.8.18: IDS Hfj (Maija Lehtonen, FI): BB3 25.8.18: NDS Hfj (Jörgen Hindse, DK): BOS,NCAC 10.6.18: IDS Rvk (Dina Korna, Eistland). Vg,3 9.6.18: NDS show Rvk (Morten Matthes, DK). BOB,CC, NCAC,RW18,BIG-3 4.3.18: IDS Rvk (Göran Bodegård, Swe). ,BB3,R-CACIB 2017 26.11.17: Int. show Rvk (Marija Kavcic, Slóvenía). Ex 16.09.17: IDS Rvk (Torbjörn Skaar, SE): BB2,R-CACIB 25.6.17: IDS Rvk (Kari Järvinen): BOB, CC, CACIB 24.6.17: RW-17 (Hanne Laine Jenssen) Ex 3.3.17: IDS Rvk (Johnny Anderson, Sweden): BB2,CACIB 2016 12.11.16: IDS Rvk (Irina V. Polotaeva, Finnlandi): BOS,CC,JCC 3.9.16: IDS Rvk (Sean Delmar, Írlandi): BOS,CC,JCC 27.2.16: Rvk hvolpas. (Leif Ragnar Hjorth): BOS baby Afkvæmi: IS36442/23 Kirkjufells Blue Shadow IS36441/23 Kirkjufells Blueberry IS36440/23 Kirkjufells Blue Storm IS36439/23 Kirkjufells Blue Ivy (Mæja) IS36438/23 Kirkjufells Blue Pearl (Perla) IS36437/23 Kirkjufells Blue Sky IS36436/23 Kirkjufells Bluebell S33325/22 Kirkjufells Blown Away IS33324/22 Kirkjufells Dynamite IS33323/22 Kirkjufells Blast From The Past IS33322/22 Kirkjufells Bomb Expert IS33321/22 Kirkjufells Explotion IS33320/22 Kirkjufells Bombshell (Lísa) IS29396/21 Kirkjufells Special Force (Patti) IS29397/21 Kirkjufells Special Legend (Stormur) IS29398/21 Kirkjufells Special Legacy (Atlas) IS29398/21 Kirkjufells Special Agent (Sezar) IS293400/21 Kirkjufells Special Beginning (Fjóla) |