ISCH Islands Shelties Winter Wonder (Fríða)IS22991/17
352098100068986 tík/female Fd/Born: 23.11.2016 Eig./Owner: Sóley Halla Möller Rækt./Breeder: Vignir Sigurðsson, Islands Shelties ræktun Foreldrar/Parents: CIB ISCh JCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant og Speedlines Chocolate Crisp Litur/Color: Sable Augnskoðun/Eye examination: 01.11.2021: Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA): Påvist, CRD (CH), grad: Mild. OS: Remnant of A. hyaloidea. CRD OU 13.09.2018: Signs of CRD in left eye retina 04.03.2017: PHTVL grad 2-6 and suspicion to CEA (Right eye have opacity on posteria lense capsule and active bloodsupply) Sýningaárangur/Show results: 2022: 06.03.22 Int. Show Kóp. (Börge Espeland, NO): Ex,1,CK,BB3 2020: IDS Rvk 1.3.20 (Bo Skalin, SE): Ex,2,CK 2019: 23.11.2019 Rvk NDS (Karin Gilliland, IR): BOB, CC, NCC, CruftsQ 23.02.19 IDS Rvk (Anna Brankovic, Serbia): BT3,CC 2018: 24.11.18: NDS Rvk (Leif-Herman Wilbert, No):Ex,3 20.10.18: Deildarsýning Suðurland (Beata Petkvica, Latvia): BOS,CC 26.8.18: Int show Hfj (Maija Lehtonen, FI): BT2,R-CACIB 25.8.18: NDS Hfj (Jörgen Hindse, DK): Ex,3 4.3.18: Int show Rvk (Göran Bodegård, Swe). Vg 2017: 26.11.17: Int. show Rvk (Marija Kavcic, Slóvenía). Excellent. 16.9.17 IDS Rvk (Torbjörn Skaar): Ex1 23.6.17: puppyshow Rvk. (Stephanie Walsh, Ireland). BOB puppy 3.3.17: puppyshow Rvk, (Jonnhy Anderson, Sweden). BOB, BIS-4 ungviði Afkvæmi/Progeny IS26310/19 Undralands Once Upon A Time (Tumi) IS26311/19 Undralands Love Me Twice (Móri) IS26312/19 Undralands Three Times A Lady (Lilja) |