Bláfelds Moor Snow (Þruma)IS20334/15 - tík
ID: 352206000096196 Fd/Born: 22.10.2014 Eig/Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir Rækt/Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir Foreldrar: IsCh RW-13 RW-14 Bláfelds Snowflake og ISCh RW-13 RW-14 Undralands Moor To Come Litur/Color: Sable Augnskoðun/Eye exam: 3.mars 2018: Distichiasis (extra hair on eyelids) 4.sept 2016: Distichiasis (few hair on edge of eyelids) Sýningaárangur/Show results: 26.8.18: Int show Hfj (Maija Lehtonen, FI): Vg,3 25.8.18: NDS Hfj (Jörgen Hindse, DK): Ex,2 13.11.16: Rvk Int (Irina Polotaeva, Finnlandi): Vg1 24.7.16: Rvk Int. (Ramune Kazlauskaite, Lithauen): Vg, 2s. 27.2.16: Rvk Int (Leif Ragnar Hjorth) BT2,v-CACIB 14.11.15: Rvk Int (Johan Juslin): CC,BOS 24.5.15: NW mst.sýn (Harto Stockmari) 2.sæti tík hvolpur 23.5.15: Rvk mst.sýn (Sóley Möller) 2.sæti tíkhvolpur 1.3.15: Rvk Int (Tomas Rohlin): BOB ungviði 24.1.15: hvolpasýning (Auður Sif Sigurgeirsd): BOB ungviði Afkvæmi/Progeny: IS27039/19 Bláfelds Precious Time (Assa) IS27038/19 Bláfelds Party Time (Æsa) |