Alþjóðleg sýning HRFÍ 11. ágúst 2024 / IDS
Dómari/judge: Ásta María Guðbergsdóttir, IS
26 skráðir/entered.
VP/P/LP: Very promising/Promising/Less promising
Ex/Vg/G: Excellent, Very good, Good
BM/BF: Best male/Best female
CK/Cert: Champion quality, Champion certificate, CACIB: Int. cert. of beauty
BOB/BOS: Best of breed, Best of opposite sex
Junior class
Ex,1,CK,BM2,Jun.CERT,Jun.CACIB. Bláfelds Hraunar (sable) Kirkjufells Special Legacy x Bláfelds Precious Time. Owner: Ragnar Geirdal, Drífa Heimisdóttir. Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir: Exc. Type and proportions. Masc. very nice wedged shaped head. Dark almond shaped eyes. Correct bite. Very well placed and carried ears. Exc. neck and topline with a good loin. Could have slightly longer tail. Exc. front and hind angulations. Exc. coat quality. Moves with good steps but could carry himself more gracefully for a better overall impression.
Intermediate class
Ex,1,CK,BM3,R-CACIB. Sandviksheltie Dream Big (sable) Ch. Lundecock's Coconut x Ch. Alucia Glee's Blond Chick. Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Breeder: Marianne Sandvik, NO. Exc. Type and proportions. Exc. Size. Masc. Wedged shaped head. Correct bite. Very nice almond shaped dark eyes. good neck. Exc. Topline. very good front angulation. Exc. Angulation behind. Enough body for his age. Exc. Coat quality. Moves well.
Open class
Ex,2. Kirkjufells Special Legacy. Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands Force Majeure. Owner: Freyja Kristín Rúnarsdóttir,. Breeder: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir. Male up to size. Gives a bit long impression. Very masc. Wedged shaped head. Correct bite. Dark eyes. Well carried ears. Could have slightly longer neck and better laid back of shoulder. Level topline. Tail reaching hocks. Deep ribcage, Could be slightly more sprung and a bit shorter in loin. Exc. hind angulation. Moves quite well . Exc. Temperament.
Ex,1,CK,BM1,CERT,CACIB,BOS. Magic Mike With Molson (sable) Ch. Lavika Starlight Salute x Molson Movie Star. Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Breeder: G. Anderson, UK. Very beautiful silhouette. Masc. male up to size. Masc. wedged shaped head. Correct bite. Very well placed and carried ears. Dark eyes that could have slightly better shape. Exc. neck and level topline with a graceful sweep over loin. Exc. front and hind angulation. Good body for his age. Exc. coat quality. Moves very well. Good temperament.
Baby class
SL,1, BOB baby. Stekkjardals Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy (sable) Ch. Bláfelds Karli x Stekkjardals Bestå. Owner/Breeder: Erla Heiðrún Benediktsdóttir, Guðmundur Rúnar Árnason. Strong bitch. Good proportions. Correct bite. Strong head of correct proportions. Well set ears. Oval shaped dark eyes. Medium neck. Good topline. Enough angulation in front. Exc. angulation behind. Good body for age. Promising coat.
ABS. Stekkjardals A little bit of Pixie dust (sable) Ch. Bláfelds Karli x Stekkjardals Bestå. Owner: X. Breeder: Erla Heiðrún Benediktsdóttir, Guðmundur Rúnar Árnason.
Puppy class
Sl,2. Þjóðholts Frigg (sable) Ch. Bláfelds Karli x Undralands Galdra-Þula. Owner: Þórunn Jónasdóttir, Hildur Ísleifsdóttir Breeder: Þórunn Jónasdóttir: Good size and proportions. Feminine. Long refined head, correct bite. Dark almond shaped eyes. Well set and carried ears. Enough neck, level topline. Would prefer a bit better front angulation. Good angulation behind. Moves quite well for her age.
Sl,1,BOB puppy. Þjóðholts Ósk (sable) Ch. Bláfelds Karli x Undralands Galdra-Þula. Owner: Klara Hrönn Sigurðardóttir. Breeder: Þórunn Jónasdóttir: Feminine. Good proportions. Fem. Elegant head. correct bite. Dark almond shaped eyes. well placed nice ears. Enough neck. Level topline, slight rise over loin. Good angulation in front, exc. angulation behind. Exc. body for age. Moves well for her age. Good temperament.
Junior class
ABS. Kirkjufells Blue Pearl (sable) Ch. Bláfelds Karli x Undralands Force Majeure. Owner/Breeder: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir.
Ex,1,CK,Jun.CERT,Jun.CACIB. Bláfelds Bláklukka (sable). ´Bláfelds Karli x Ch. Request Classic Success. Owner/Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Very nice type and proportions. On the bigger side. Strong wedged shaped head with good proportions. Nice flat skull. Dark oval shaped eyes. Would prefer slightly longer neck. Very nice level topline with slight sweep over loin. Exc. Angulation front and rear. Exc. Body for age. Long and good ribcage and a short loin. Very promising coat. Nice long tail. Moves very well, needs to stabilize a bit in front. Very promising female.
Intermediate class
Ex,1,CK,BB2,CERT,R-CACIB. Undralands Þoka. Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Islands Shelties A Kind Of Magic. Owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Breeder: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Herdís Hallmarsdóttir. Very good type, size and proportions. Fem. wedged shaped head with dark almond shaped eyes. Well set ears and exc. carriage. Nice expression. Correct bite. Exc. neck and topline. Exc. body for age. Well angulated front and rear. Exc. coat and condition. Moves very well from all sides
Ex,2. Bláfelds Eldey. Kirkjufells Special Legacy x Bláfelds Precious Time. Owner: Freyja Kristín Rúnardóttir, Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir, Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Nice type. Rectangular good size. Strong head that could be slightly more feminine but of correct shape and proportions. Correct bite. Dark almond shaped eyes. Well set ears of exc. Size. Exc. neck and topline. Exc. angulation front and rear. Very good body for age. Slightly long in loin. Good coat quality, bit out of coat today. Moves well from all sides.
Open class
Ex,4,CK. Þjóðholts Viska (sable) Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands Bona Fide. Owner/Breeder: Þórunn Jónasdóttir. Exc. Type, size and proportions. Fem. wedged shaped head. Nice dark almond shaped eyes. Correct bite. Good neck, exc. topline. Long tail reaching hocks. Exc. angulation front and rear. Good body. Good depth of ribcage. Exc. coat quality. Moves well from all sides. Nice silhouette.
Ex. Þjóðholds Von (sable) Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands Bona Fide. Owner: Klara Hrönn Sigurðardóttir. Breeder: Þórunn Jónasdóttir. Nice type, exc. size and proportions. Fem. wedged shaped head. Correct bite. Enough neck. Could have slightly better laid back of shoulder. Level topline. Slight sweep over loin. Exc. hind angulation. Long tail. Very good body. Exc. coat in good condition. Good movement. Could carry ears a bit better.
Vg. Stekkjardals Bestå (sable) Ch. Undralands Time Bomb x Islands Sheltis Everdeen. Owner/Breeder: Erla Heiðrún Benediktsdóttir, Guðmundur Rúnar Árnason. Good proportions. Rectangular in shape. Wedged shaped head, correct bite. Could carry ears a bit better. Dark oval shaped eyes. Could have a longer neck and better laid back of shoulder. Straight in upper arm. Exc. angulation behind. Good topline. Moves a bit loose in front. Needs time to stabilize and also in temperament.
Ex. Ljóna A view to a kill (sable) Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands Three Times A Lady. Owner: Ásta Kara Sveinsdóttir, Breeder: Sóley Halla Möller. Exc. size and proportions. Fem. wedged shaped head with dark almond shaped eyes. Would prefer longer neck. Level topline. Enough front angulation. Exc. angulation behind. Good body for her age. Moves quite well from all sides. Exc. Coat quality and condition.
Ex,3,CK. Bláfelds Iðunn (sable) Ch. Undralands Time Bomb x Bláfelds Little Miss Sunshine. Owner: Kristjana Gunnarsdóttir, Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Nice type, size and proportions. Nice fem. refined head. Correct bite. Exc. dark almond shaped eyes. Good neck. Exc. topline. Exc. front angulation. Good spring of ribs but needs more support by elbows. Exc. hind angulation. Exc. coat, quality and condition. Moves well from all sides.
ABS. Kirkjufells Special Beginning (sable) Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Ch. Undralands Force Majeure. Owner/Breeder: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir.
ABS. Bláfelds Esja (sable) Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Ch. Request Classic Success. Owner: x. Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir.
Ex. Undralands Dögg (sable) Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands A Star Is Born. Owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Breeder: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Herdís Hallmarsdóttir. Exc. type, size and proportions. Very nice, elegant wedged shaped head. Correct bite. Could like little more almond shaped eyes. Well placed ears of exc. Size. Would prefer slightly longer neck. Exc. topline. Good angulation front and rear. Moves well. Good coat quality, bit out of coat.
Ex,1,CK,BB3. Islands Shelties A Kind Of Magic (sable) Ch. Louanda Time After Time x Ch. Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir. Breeder: Vignir Sigurðsson. Exc. type, size and proportions. Nice wedged shaped head. Dark eyes of good enough shape. Correct bite. Exc. neck and topline. Exc. angulations front and rear. Good body and spring of ribs. Exc. coat and condition. Moves very well with effortless movements.
Ex. Kirkjufells Dynamite (sable) Ch. Undralands Time Bomb x Ch. Undralands Force Majeure. Owner: x. Breeder: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir. Nice type, exc. size but unfortunately a bit too long. Exc. long wedged shaped head. Nice dark eyes. Correct bite. Very nice neck. Level topline with a slight sweep over loin. Very well laid back shoulder. Would prefer a little more angulation in upper arm. Exc. body and good spring of ribs. A bit long in loin. Exc. hind angulation. Exc. coat quality but a bit out of coat today. Moves well, could take slightly longer steps in front
Ex,2,CK,BB4. Bláfelds Askja (sable) Ch Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Ch Request Classic Success. Owner/Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Beautiful type and silhouette. Exc. Size and proportions. Fem. wedged shaped head. Correct bite. Nice dark almond shaped eyes. Exc. neck. Level topline with sweep over the loin. Exc. angulation front and rear. Exc. body and coat. Well carried and placed ears.
Champion class
Ex,2. Islands Shelties Everdeen (sable) Moorwood Simply Pleasant x Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Owner: Erla Heiðrún Benediktsdóttir, Guðmundur Rúnar Árnason. Breeder: Vignir Siguðrsson. Exc. size and proportions. Nice outline. Wedged shaped head, correct bite. Dark eyes that could have a little better shape. Exc. neck. Exc. topline. Well angulated front and rear. Good body and spring of ribs. Exc. coat quality. Moves quite well, could take a bit longer steps in front. Exc. temperament.
ABS. Request Classic Success (sable) Request Shaded Style x Request Classic Glory. Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Breeder: Lillemor Engebro.
Ex,1,CK,BB1,CACIB,BOB. Undralands A Star Is Born (sable) Ch. Louanda Time After Time x Moorwood Flaming Sunrose. Owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Breeder: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Herdís Hallmarsdóttir. Very beautiful type. Very beautiful fem. wedged shaped head. Exc. size and set on ears, well carried. Dark almond shaped eyes. Exc. neck and topline. Exc. angulation front and rear. Nice body and spring of ribs. Exc. coat quality but unfortunately out of coat today. Outstanding mover, moves effortlessly and with grace
Breeders Class
Ex,2,HP. Bláfelds kennel: Very nice group of 3 combinations. Very nice profiles. Exc. Types and nice movers.
Ex,1,HP,BOB breeders group. Undralands kennel: Very nice group of 3 combinations. Very similar in type. Very nice head and exc. Movers. Well done to the breeder.
Dómari/judge: Ásta María Guðbergsdóttir, IS
26 skráðir/entered.
VP/P/LP: Very promising/Promising/Less promising
Ex/Vg/G: Excellent, Very good, Good
BM/BF: Best male/Best female
CK/Cert: Champion quality, Champion certificate, CACIB: Int. cert. of beauty
BOB/BOS: Best of breed, Best of opposite sex
Junior class
Ex,1,CK,BM2,Jun.CERT,Jun.CACIB. Bláfelds Hraunar (sable) Kirkjufells Special Legacy x Bláfelds Precious Time. Owner: Ragnar Geirdal, Drífa Heimisdóttir. Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir: Exc. Type and proportions. Masc. very nice wedged shaped head. Dark almond shaped eyes. Correct bite. Very well placed and carried ears. Exc. neck and topline with a good loin. Could have slightly longer tail. Exc. front and hind angulations. Exc. coat quality. Moves with good steps but could carry himself more gracefully for a better overall impression.
Intermediate class
Ex,1,CK,BM3,R-CACIB. Sandviksheltie Dream Big (sable) Ch. Lundecock's Coconut x Ch. Alucia Glee's Blond Chick. Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Breeder: Marianne Sandvik, NO. Exc. Type and proportions. Exc. Size. Masc. Wedged shaped head. Correct bite. Very nice almond shaped dark eyes. good neck. Exc. Topline. very good front angulation. Exc. Angulation behind. Enough body for his age. Exc. Coat quality. Moves well.
Open class
Ex,2. Kirkjufells Special Legacy. Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands Force Majeure. Owner: Freyja Kristín Rúnarsdóttir,. Breeder: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir. Male up to size. Gives a bit long impression. Very masc. Wedged shaped head. Correct bite. Dark eyes. Well carried ears. Could have slightly longer neck and better laid back of shoulder. Level topline. Tail reaching hocks. Deep ribcage, Could be slightly more sprung and a bit shorter in loin. Exc. hind angulation. Moves quite well . Exc. Temperament.
Ex,1,CK,BM1,CERT,CACIB,BOS. Magic Mike With Molson (sable) Ch. Lavika Starlight Salute x Molson Movie Star. Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Breeder: G. Anderson, UK. Very beautiful silhouette. Masc. male up to size. Masc. wedged shaped head. Correct bite. Very well placed and carried ears. Dark eyes that could have slightly better shape. Exc. neck and level topline with a graceful sweep over loin. Exc. front and hind angulation. Good body for his age. Exc. coat quality. Moves very well. Good temperament.
Baby class
SL,1, BOB baby. Stekkjardals Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy (sable) Ch. Bláfelds Karli x Stekkjardals Bestå. Owner/Breeder: Erla Heiðrún Benediktsdóttir, Guðmundur Rúnar Árnason. Strong bitch. Good proportions. Correct bite. Strong head of correct proportions. Well set ears. Oval shaped dark eyes. Medium neck. Good topline. Enough angulation in front. Exc. angulation behind. Good body for age. Promising coat.
ABS. Stekkjardals A little bit of Pixie dust (sable) Ch. Bláfelds Karli x Stekkjardals Bestå. Owner: X. Breeder: Erla Heiðrún Benediktsdóttir, Guðmundur Rúnar Árnason.
Puppy class
Sl,2. Þjóðholts Frigg (sable) Ch. Bláfelds Karli x Undralands Galdra-Þula. Owner: Þórunn Jónasdóttir, Hildur Ísleifsdóttir Breeder: Þórunn Jónasdóttir: Good size and proportions. Feminine. Long refined head, correct bite. Dark almond shaped eyes. Well set and carried ears. Enough neck, level topline. Would prefer a bit better front angulation. Good angulation behind. Moves quite well for her age.
Sl,1,BOB puppy. Þjóðholts Ósk (sable) Ch. Bláfelds Karli x Undralands Galdra-Þula. Owner: Klara Hrönn Sigurðardóttir. Breeder: Þórunn Jónasdóttir: Feminine. Good proportions. Fem. Elegant head. correct bite. Dark almond shaped eyes. well placed nice ears. Enough neck. Level topline, slight rise over loin. Good angulation in front, exc. angulation behind. Exc. body for age. Moves well for her age. Good temperament.
Junior class
ABS. Kirkjufells Blue Pearl (sable) Ch. Bláfelds Karli x Undralands Force Majeure. Owner/Breeder: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir.
Ex,1,CK,Jun.CERT,Jun.CACIB. Bláfelds Bláklukka (sable). ´Bláfelds Karli x Ch. Request Classic Success. Owner/Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Very nice type and proportions. On the bigger side. Strong wedged shaped head with good proportions. Nice flat skull. Dark oval shaped eyes. Would prefer slightly longer neck. Very nice level topline with slight sweep over loin. Exc. Angulation front and rear. Exc. Body for age. Long and good ribcage and a short loin. Very promising coat. Nice long tail. Moves very well, needs to stabilize a bit in front. Very promising female.
Intermediate class
Ex,1,CK,BB2,CERT,R-CACIB. Undralands Þoka. Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Islands Shelties A Kind Of Magic. Owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Breeder: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Herdís Hallmarsdóttir. Very good type, size and proportions. Fem. wedged shaped head with dark almond shaped eyes. Well set ears and exc. carriage. Nice expression. Correct bite. Exc. neck and topline. Exc. body for age. Well angulated front and rear. Exc. coat and condition. Moves very well from all sides
Ex,2. Bláfelds Eldey. Kirkjufells Special Legacy x Bláfelds Precious Time. Owner: Freyja Kristín Rúnardóttir, Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir, Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Nice type. Rectangular good size. Strong head that could be slightly more feminine but of correct shape and proportions. Correct bite. Dark almond shaped eyes. Well set ears of exc. Size. Exc. neck and topline. Exc. angulation front and rear. Very good body for age. Slightly long in loin. Good coat quality, bit out of coat today. Moves well from all sides.
Open class
Ex,4,CK. Þjóðholts Viska (sable) Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands Bona Fide. Owner/Breeder: Þórunn Jónasdóttir. Exc. Type, size and proportions. Fem. wedged shaped head. Nice dark almond shaped eyes. Correct bite. Good neck, exc. topline. Long tail reaching hocks. Exc. angulation front and rear. Good body. Good depth of ribcage. Exc. coat quality. Moves well from all sides. Nice silhouette.
Ex. Þjóðholds Von (sable) Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands Bona Fide. Owner: Klara Hrönn Sigurðardóttir. Breeder: Þórunn Jónasdóttir. Nice type, exc. size and proportions. Fem. wedged shaped head. Correct bite. Enough neck. Could have slightly better laid back of shoulder. Level topline. Slight sweep over loin. Exc. hind angulation. Long tail. Very good body. Exc. coat in good condition. Good movement. Could carry ears a bit better.
Vg. Stekkjardals Bestå (sable) Ch. Undralands Time Bomb x Islands Sheltis Everdeen. Owner/Breeder: Erla Heiðrún Benediktsdóttir, Guðmundur Rúnar Árnason. Good proportions. Rectangular in shape. Wedged shaped head, correct bite. Could carry ears a bit better. Dark oval shaped eyes. Could have a longer neck and better laid back of shoulder. Straight in upper arm. Exc. angulation behind. Good topline. Moves a bit loose in front. Needs time to stabilize and also in temperament.
Ex. Ljóna A view to a kill (sable) Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands Three Times A Lady. Owner: Ásta Kara Sveinsdóttir, Breeder: Sóley Halla Möller. Exc. size and proportions. Fem. wedged shaped head with dark almond shaped eyes. Would prefer longer neck. Level topline. Enough front angulation. Exc. angulation behind. Good body for her age. Moves quite well from all sides. Exc. Coat quality and condition.
Ex,3,CK. Bláfelds Iðunn (sable) Ch. Undralands Time Bomb x Bláfelds Little Miss Sunshine. Owner: Kristjana Gunnarsdóttir, Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Nice type, size and proportions. Nice fem. refined head. Correct bite. Exc. dark almond shaped eyes. Good neck. Exc. topline. Exc. front angulation. Good spring of ribs but needs more support by elbows. Exc. hind angulation. Exc. coat, quality and condition. Moves well from all sides.
ABS. Kirkjufells Special Beginning (sable) Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Ch. Undralands Force Majeure. Owner/Breeder: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir.
ABS. Bláfelds Esja (sable) Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Ch. Request Classic Success. Owner: x. Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir.
Ex. Undralands Dögg (sable) Ch. Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands A Star Is Born. Owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Breeder: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Herdís Hallmarsdóttir. Exc. type, size and proportions. Very nice, elegant wedged shaped head. Correct bite. Could like little more almond shaped eyes. Well placed ears of exc. Size. Would prefer slightly longer neck. Exc. topline. Good angulation front and rear. Moves well. Good coat quality, bit out of coat.
Ex,1,CK,BB3. Islands Shelties A Kind Of Magic (sable) Ch. Louanda Time After Time x Ch. Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir. Breeder: Vignir Sigurðsson. Exc. type, size and proportions. Nice wedged shaped head. Dark eyes of good enough shape. Correct bite. Exc. neck and topline. Exc. angulations front and rear. Good body and spring of ribs. Exc. coat and condition. Moves very well with effortless movements.
Ex. Kirkjufells Dynamite (sable) Ch. Undralands Time Bomb x Ch. Undralands Force Majeure. Owner: x. Breeder: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir. Nice type, exc. size but unfortunately a bit too long. Exc. long wedged shaped head. Nice dark eyes. Correct bite. Very nice neck. Level topline with a slight sweep over loin. Very well laid back shoulder. Would prefer a little more angulation in upper arm. Exc. body and good spring of ribs. A bit long in loin. Exc. hind angulation. Exc. coat quality but a bit out of coat today. Moves well, could take slightly longer steps in front
Ex,2,CK,BB4. Bláfelds Askja (sable) Ch Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Ch Request Classic Success. Owner/Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Beautiful type and silhouette. Exc. Size and proportions. Fem. wedged shaped head. Correct bite. Nice dark almond shaped eyes. Exc. neck. Level topline with sweep over the loin. Exc. angulation front and rear. Exc. body and coat. Well carried and placed ears.
Champion class
Ex,2. Islands Shelties Everdeen (sable) Moorwood Simply Pleasant x Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Owner: Erla Heiðrún Benediktsdóttir, Guðmundur Rúnar Árnason. Breeder: Vignir Siguðrsson. Exc. size and proportions. Nice outline. Wedged shaped head, correct bite. Dark eyes that could have a little better shape. Exc. neck. Exc. topline. Well angulated front and rear. Good body and spring of ribs. Exc. coat quality. Moves quite well, could take a bit longer steps in front. Exc. temperament.
ABS. Request Classic Success (sable) Request Shaded Style x Request Classic Glory. Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Breeder: Lillemor Engebro.
Ex,1,CK,BB1,CACIB,BOB. Undralands A Star Is Born (sable) Ch. Louanda Time After Time x Moorwood Flaming Sunrose. Owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Breeder: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Herdís Hallmarsdóttir. Very beautiful type. Very beautiful fem. wedged shaped head. Exc. size and set on ears, well carried. Dark almond shaped eyes. Exc. neck and topline. Exc. angulation front and rear. Nice body and spring of ribs. Exc. coat quality but unfortunately out of coat today. Outstanding mover, moves effortlessly and with grace
Breeders Class
Ex,2,HP. Bláfelds kennel: Very nice group of 3 combinations. Very nice profiles. Exc. Types and nice movers.
Ex,1,HP,BOB breeders group. Undralands kennel: Very nice group of 3 combinations. Very similar in type. Very nice head and exc. Movers. Well done to the breeder.