HRFÍ sýning Hafnarfirði
NDS 20. ágúst 2022
Dómari: Arvid Göransson, NO
Baby class males
SL,1, BOB,BIS-2 baby. Bláfelds Stóri-Dímon (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Request Classic Success. Eig: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir og Arndís Halla Guðmundsdóttir. Rækt: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir.) ex. very promising. nice head and good lines. nice eyes and ears. good bite. still underdev. in underjaw. could be wider. good chest. good shoulder with nice angulation. good topline and croup. well angulated in hindq. good bones and feet.
SL,2. Bláfelds Keilir (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Request Classic Success. Eig: Esther Ingimarsdóttir Urban, rækt: Guðrun Th. Guðmundsdóttir). nice in type and good expression. nice eyes, good ears. correct bite. good chest. shoulder too much forward but angulated. well angulated hindq. strong front. good drive. nice temp. promising coat.
Baby class bitches
L. Bláfelds Eir (Bláfelds Hvellur Neisti og Bláfelds Precious Time. Eig/rækt: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir). ex. in type but needs more teeth today. nice expr. good eyes and ears. short in chest bone. well angulated in shoulders and hindq. nice temperement. needs time to be more stabile in movement but good drive.
L. Bláfelds Esja (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Request Classic Success. Eig: X, Rækt: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir). ex. in type. nice expression. eyes and ears. beautiful dark eyes. good chest. ex. shoulder. well angulated in hindq. bit overbuild in back and movement. good bones and feet.
L. Bláfelds Sif (Bláfelds Hvellur Neisti og Bláfelds Precious Time. Eig/Rækt: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir). ex. in type. nice exp. good eyes and ears. good chest. well angulated in shoulder, bit too much forward. good ang. in hindq. bit steep in croup. close in hocks. needs to stabalize in front. nice temp.
ME/Abs. Bláfelds Askja (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Request Classic Success. Eig/rækt: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir).
Puppy class, males
SL,1,BOS puppy. Þjóðholts Bylur (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Undralands Bona Fide. Eig/rækt: Þórunn Jónasdóttir). ex. in type. nice exp. good eyes and ears. good chest. well angulated in shoulder but too much forward. well angulated in hindq. nice temperament. moves well on good bones and feet. strong front.
Puppy class, bitches
SL,4. Þjóðholts Von (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Undralands Bona Fide. Eig. Klara Hrönn Sigurðardóttir. Rækt. Þórunn Jónasdóttir). ex. in type. nice expression. good lines in head. correct bite. nice expression from good eyes and ears. good chest. angulated but too much forward in shoulder. accept. angulation in hindq. strong back accept. croup. moves well on good bones and feet. nice temp.
SL,2. Kirkjufells Dynamite (Undralands Time Bomb og Undralands Force Majeure. Eig: Rækt Herdís G. Tómasdóttir). ex. in type. nice expression and good lines in head. nice eyes and ears. well angulated in shoulder, good chest. good angulated in hindq. correct topline. accept. croup. bit close in hocks. strong front. good drive on good bones and feet. nice temp.
SL Þjóðholts Viska (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Undralands Bona Fide. Eig/rækt: Þórunn Jónasdóttir). ex. in type, good expression. nice eyes and good ears. correct lines in head. good chest. good angulation in shoulder but too much forward. well angulated in hindq. good topline and croup. moves well. correct and typical drive. nice temp. promising coat.
SL,1,BOB puppy. Bláfelds Iðunn (Undralands Time Bomb og Bláfelds Little Miss Sunshine. Eig: Kristjana Gunnarsdóttir og Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Rækt. Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir). ex. in type with nice expression from good eyes and ears. bit rounded in skull. correct bite. ex. chest. correct angulation in shoulder. well angulated in hindq. correct topline and croup. well angulated with typical movement and drive. nice temp. promising coat.
SL,3. Kirkjufells Bombshell (ISCh SECh Undralands Time Bomb og Undralands Force Majeure. Eig/rækt: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir). ex. in type, with nice expression with good prop. of head. rounded skull, nice eyes and ears. good chest. well angulated correct shoulder. good angulation in hindq. good topline and croup. good drive, very close in hocks. but strong front. nice temp and coat.
Junior class males
Ex,1. Ljóna Konungur Ljónanna – Orri (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Islands Shelties Winter Wonder. Eig: Þórunn Eggertsdóttir/Sóley Halla Möller. Rækt: Sóley Halla Möller). ex. in type. good prop. and lines in head. correct bite. nice expr. from good eyes and ears. good dev. in chest. good shoulder. good topline. good croup. moves well on good bones and feet. nice temp. ex. coat.
Ex,2. Islands Shelties Apollon. (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og CIB NORDICCh ISCh Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Eig: x. Rækt: Vignir Sigurðsson). ex. in type. good lines and nice expr. in head. good eyes and ears. could be a bit wider in chest, lower part. well angulated in shoulder and hindq. typical topline. accept. croup. moves well on good bones and feet. good coat.
Intermediate class, males.
Ex,2. Bláfelds Karli (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Bláfelds White Snow. Eig: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir og Arndís Halla Guðmundsdóttir. Rækt: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir). Ex. in type. With nice precense. good prop in head. corr bite, goodeyes and ears, vg in chest. well angulated in shoulder but to much forward in ther front. good loin. strong enough in back, good croup., moves weell on good bones and feet but a bit close in hooks. good coat in summer condition.
ME/Abs. Kirkjufells Special Legend (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og CIB ISCh NORDICCh Undralands Force Majeure. Eig: Helga Charlotte Reynisdóttir, Anna Birta Hólm. Rækt: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir).
Ex,1. Kirkjufells Special Legacy (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og CIB ISCh NORDICCh Undralands Force Majeure. Eig: Helga Charlotte Reynisdóttir, Anna Birta Hólm. Rækt: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir). ex. in type. corr. bite. nicer expr. good eyes and ears., good prop in lines of head. a bit open in shoulder and to much forward. could be wider in chest in the lower part for a stronger front. good long croup over loin. well angulated in hind quarters. strong topl. good croup. moves well on good bones and feet, good coat and temp.
Open class, males
Ex,1,CK,BM-1,CC,NCAC,BOS. Undralands Time Bomb (MultiCh Louanda Time After Time og ISCh Undralands Grótta. Rækt: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir. Eig: Guðný Ísaksen). ex. in type. nice expression. good bite. ex. in chest. correct loin. good angulation in shoulder and hindq. ex. topline and croup. ex. movement. goodbones and feet. nice coat.
Champion class, males
Ex,1,CK,BM-2,R-NCAC. Moorwood Special Bookmaker (Ch Lythwood Sundealer og Ch Moorwood Flaming Goldilock. Rækt: Birgitta & Per Svarstad. Eig: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir). ex. in type and condition. ex. temperament. good lines and exp. in head from nice eyes and ears. ex. chest. good shoulder, well angulated in hindq. good loin. strong topline and croup. moves very well on good bones and feet. nice coat.
Junior class bitches
Ex,1. Stekkjardals Bestå (Undralands Time Bomb og Islands Sheltie Everdeen. Eig/rækt: Erla Heiðrún Benediktsdóttir). ex. in type. need time to dev. in chest in the lower part. bit open angulated in shoulder. well angulated in hindq. good topline, bit steep in croup. could be stronger in move. close in hocks. bit flying ears.
Vg,3. JCh Undralands Dögg (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Undralands A Star Is Born) Rækt/eig: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir). ex. in type. nice expression of head. good lines. good chest. well angulated in shoulder and hindq. typical topline. good croup. bit close in hocks. needs to stabilize in front and elbows. good quality in coat but in summer condition. nice temp.
Ex,2. Islands Shelties Athena (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Eig: Freyja Kristín Rúnarsdóttir/Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir. Rækt: Vignir Sigurðsson). ex. in type. nice expression from nice eyes and ears. good chest. shoulder bit too forward but angulated. well angulated in hindq. needs to muscle up. typical topline. acc. croup. needs to stabilize in front and hindq and hocks but excellent in type.
Intermediate class bitches
Ex,1,CK,BB-1,CC,NCAC,BOB. Kirkjufells Special Beginning (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og CIB NORDICCh ISCh Undralands Force Majeure. Eig/rækt: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir). ex. in type. with all details for the breed. correct bite. good expression from nice eyes and good ears. strong neck. ex. chest. good angulation in shoulder. well angulated in hindq. good loin. moves excellent and typical for the breed on good bones and feet. nice coat and condition of coat.
Open class, bitches
Ex,3. Undralands A Star Is Born (MultiCh Louanda Time After Time og Moorwood Flaming Sunrose. Eig/rækt: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir). ex. nice expression. nice eyes and good ears. correct good bite. very good in chest. good angulation in shoulder and hindq. good topline and croup. strong front. good drive, bit close in hocks. good coat and temp.
Ex,2,CK,BB-3. Undralands Galdra Þula (Bláfelds Time To Fly og Undralands Bona Fide. Rækt: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir. Eig: Þórunn Jónasdóttir). ex. in type. nice eyes and good ears. good chest. good angulation in shoulder and hindq. good topline and croup. good front and shoulder. moves very well on good bones and feet. good coat. ex.
Ex,1,CK,BB-2,R-NCAC. Islands Shelties Everdeen (CIB ISCh SEJCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant og CIB NORDICCh ISCh Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Rækt: Vignir Sigurðsson. Eig: Erla Heiðrún Benediktsdóttir og Guðmundur Rúnar Árnason). ex. in type. with nice expression and good eyes and ears. could be better filled out in the lower part of the chest. good angulation in shoulder and hindq. good topline. accept. croup. strong enough in front. bit close in hocks. nice temp. good coat in summer condition.
Ex,4. Islands Shelties I Want To Break Free (MultiCh. Louands Time After Time og CIB ISCh NORDICCh Speedlines Chocolate Crisps). Eig/Rækt: Vignir Sigurðsson). ex. in type. bit rounded in skull. good eyes and ears. good chest. well angulated in shoulder and hindq. strong enough in topline. accept. croup. moves well from good bones and feet but twisting in front at parts. nice temp.
Breeders Group
Ex,1,HP,BOB breeders group. Undralands ræktun (Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir). breeders group. ex. in type and when you look at the standard and search for mentality, breed details, function, coats and so on. group is an ex. breeding result and congrats to the breeder and wish you
NDS 20. ágúst 2022
Dómari: Arvid Göransson, NO
Baby class males
SL,1, BOB,BIS-2 baby. Bláfelds Stóri-Dímon (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Request Classic Success. Eig: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir og Arndís Halla Guðmundsdóttir. Rækt: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir.) ex. very promising. nice head and good lines. nice eyes and ears. good bite. still underdev. in underjaw. could be wider. good chest. good shoulder with nice angulation. good topline and croup. well angulated in hindq. good bones and feet.
SL,2. Bláfelds Keilir (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Request Classic Success. Eig: Esther Ingimarsdóttir Urban, rækt: Guðrun Th. Guðmundsdóttir). nice in type and good expression. nice eyes, good ears. correct bite. good chest. shoulder too much forward but angulated. well angulated hindq. strong front. good drive. nice temp. promising coat.
Baby class bitches
L. Bláfelds Eir (Bláfelds Hvellur Neisti og Bláfelds Precious Time. Eig/rækt: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir). ex. in type but needs more teeth today. nice expr. good eyes and ears. short in chest bone. well angulated in shoulders and hindq. nice temperement. needs time to be more stabile in movement but good drive.
L. Bláfelds Esja (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Request Classic Success. Eig: X, Rækt: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir). ex. in type. nice expression. eyes and ears. beautiful dark eyes. good chest. ex. shoulder. well angulated in hindq. bit overbuild in back and movement. good bones and feet.
L. Bláfelds Sif (Bláfelds Hvellur Neisti og Bláfelds Precious Time. Eig/Rækt: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir). ex. in type. nice exp. good eyes and ears. good chest. well angulated in shoulder, bit too much forward. good ang. in hindq. bit steep in croup. close in hocks. needs to stabalize in front. nice temp.
ME/Abs. Bláfelds Askja (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Request Classic Success. Eig/rækt: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir).
Puppy class, males
SL,1,BOS puppy. Þjóðholts Bylur (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Undralands Bona Fide. Eig/rækt: Þórunn Jónasdóttir). ex. in type. nice exp. good eyes and ears. good chest. well angulated in shoulder but too much forward. well angulated in hindq. nice temperament. moves well on good bones and feet. strong front.
Puppy class, bitches
SL,4. Þjóðholts Von (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Undralands Bona Fide. Eig. Klara Hrönn Sigurðardóttir. Rækt. Þórunn Jónasdóttir). ex. in type. nice expression. good lines in head. correct bite. nice expression from good eyes and ears. good chest. angulated but too much forward in shoulder. accept. angulation in hindq. strong back accept. croup. moves well on good bones and feet. nice temp.
SL,2. Kirkjufells Dynamite (Undralands Time Bomb og Undralands Force Majeure. Eig: Rækt Herdís G. Tómasdóttir). ex. in type. nice expression and good lines in head. nice eyes and ears. well angulated in shoulder, good chest. good angulated in hindq. correct topline. accept. croup. bit close in hocks. strong front. good drive on good bones and feet. nice temp.
SL Þjóðholts Viska (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Undralands Bona Fide. Eig/rækt: Þórunn Jónasdóttir). ex. in type, good expression. nice eyes and good ears. correct lines in head. good chest. good angulation in shoulder but too much forward. well angulated in hindq. good topline and croup. moves well. correct and typical drive. nice temp. promising coat.
SL,1,BOB puppy. Bláfelds Iðunn (Undralands Time Bomb og Bláfelds Little Miss Sunshine. Eig: Kristjana Gunnarsdóttir og Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir. Rækt. Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir). ex. in type with nice expression from good eyes and ears. bit rounded in skull. correct bite. ex. chest. correct angulation in shoulder. well angulated in hindq. correct topline and croup. well angulated with typical movement and drive. nice temp. promising coat.
SL,3. Kirkjufells Bombshell (ISCh SECh Undralands Time Bomb og Undralands Force Majeure. Eig/rækt: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir). ex. in type, with nice expression with good prop. of head. rounded skull, nice eyes and ears. good chest. well angulated correct shoulder. good angulation in hindq. good topline and croup. good drive, very close in hocks. but strong front. nice temp and coat.
Junior class males
Ex,1. Ljóna Konungur Ljónanna – Orri (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Islands Shelties Winter Wonder. Eig: Þórunn Eggertsdóttir/Sóley Halla Möller. Rækt: Sóley Halla Möller). ex. in type. good prop. and lines in head. correct bite. nice expr. from good eyes and ears. good dev. in chest. good shoulder. good topline. good croup. moves well on good bones and feet. nice temp. ex. coat.
Ex,2. Islands Shelties Apollon. (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og CIB NORDICCh ISCh Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Eig: x. Rækt: Vignir Sigurðsson). ex. in type. good lines and nice expr. in head. good eyes and ears. could be a bit wider in chest, lower part. well angulated in shoulder and hindq. typical topline. accept. croup. moves well on good bones and feet. good coat.
Intermediate class, males.
Ex,2. Bláfelds Karli (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Bláfelds White Snow. Eig: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir og Arndís Halla Guðmundsdóttir. Rækt: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir). Ex. in type. With nice precense. good prop in head. corr bite, goodeyes and ears, vg in chest. well angulated in shoulder but to much forward in ther front. good loin. strong enough in back, good croup., moves weell on good bones and feet but a bit close in hooks. good coat in summer condition.
ME/Abs. Kirkjufells Special Legend (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og CIB ISCh NORDICCh Undralands Force Majeure. Eig: Helga Charlotte Reynisdóttir, Anna Birta Hólm. Rækt: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir).
Ex,1. Kirkjufells Special Legacy (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og CIB ISCh NORDICCh Undralands Force Majeure. Eig: Helga Charlotte Reynisdóttir, Anna Birta Hólm. Rækt: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir). ex. in type. corr. bite. nicer expr. good eyes and ears., good prop in lines of head. a bit open in shoulder and to much forward. could be wider in chest in the lower part for a stronger front. good long croup over loin. well angulated in hind quarters. strong topl. good croup. moves well on good bones and feet, good coat and temp.
Open class, males
Ex,1,CK,BM-1,CC,NCAC,BOS. Undralands Time Bomb (MultiCh Louanda Time After Time og ISCh Undralands Grótta. Rækt: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir. Eig: Guðný Ísaksen). ex. in type. nice expression. good bite. ex. in chest. correct loin. good angulation in shoulder and hindq. ex. topline and croup. ex. movement. goodbones and feet. nice coat.
Champion class, males
Ex,1,CK,BM-2,R-NCAC. Moorwood Special Bookmaker (Ch Lythwood Sundealer og Ch Moorwood Flaming Goldilock. Rækt: Birgitta & Per Svarstad. Eig: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir). ex. in type and condition. ex. temperament. good lines and exp. in head from nice eyes and ears. ex. chest. good shoulder, well angulated in hindq. good loin. strong topline and croup. moves very well on good bones and feet. nice coat.
Junior class bitches
Ex,1. Stekkjardals Bestå (Undralands Time Bomb og Islands Sheltie Everdeen. Eig/rækt: Erla Heiðrún Benediktsdóttir). ex. in type. need time to dev. in chest in the lower part. bit open angulated in shoulder. well angulated in hindq. good topline, bit steep in croup. could be stronger in move. close in hocks. bit flying ears.
Vg,3. JCh Undralands Dögg (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Undralands A Star Is Born) Rækt/eig: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir). ex. in type. nice expression of head. good lines. good chest. well angulated in shoulder and hindq. typical topline. good croup. bit close in hocks. needs to stabilize in front and elbows. good quality in coat but in summer condition. nice temp.
Ex,2. Islands Shelties Athena (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Eig: Freyja Kristín Rúnarsdóttir/Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir. Rækt: Vignir Sigurðsson). ex. in type. nice expression from nice eyes and ears. good chest. shoulder bit too forward but angulated. well angulated in hindq. needs to muscle up. typical topline. acc. croup. needs to stabilize in front and hindq and hocks but excellent in type.
Intermediate class bitches
Ex,1,CK,BB-1,CC,NCAC,BOB. Kirkjufells Special Beginning (ISCh SECh Moorwood Special Bookmaker og CIB NORDICCh ISCh Undralands Force Majeure. Eig/rækt: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir). ex. in type. with all details for the breed. correct bite. good expression from nice eyes and good ears. strong neck. ex. chest. good angulation in shoulder. well angulated in hindq. good loin. moves excellent and typical for the breed on good bones and feet. nice coat and condition of coat.
Open class, bitches
Ex,3. Undralands A Star Is Born (MultiCh Louanda Time After Time og Moorwood Flaming Sunrose. Eig/rækt: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir). ex. nice expression. nice eyes and good ears. correct good bite. very good in chest. good angulation in shoulder and hindq. good topline and croup. strong front. good drive, bit close in hocks. good coat and temp.
Ex,2,CK,BB-3. Undralands Galdra Þula (Bláfelds Time To Fly og Undralands Bona Fide. Rækt: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir. Eig: Þórunn Jónasdóttir). ex. in type. nice eyes and good ears. good chest. good angulation in shoulder and hindq. good topline and croup. good front and shoulder. moves very well on good bones and feet. good coat. ex.
Ex,1,CK,BB-2,R-NCAC. Islands Shelties Everdeen (CIB ISCh SEJCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant og CIB NORDICCh ISCh Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Rækt: Vignir Sigurðsson. Eig: Erla Heiðrún Benediktsdóttir og Guðmundur Rúnar Árnason). ex. in type. with nice expression and good eyes and ears. could be better filled out in the lower part of the chest. good angulation in shoulder and hindq. good topline. accept. croup. strong enough in front. bit close in hocks. nice temp. good coat in summer condition.
Ex,4. Islands Shelties I Want To Break Free (MultiCh. Louands Time After Time og CIB ISCh NORDICCh Speedlines Chocolate Crisps). Eig/Rækt: Vignir Sigurðsson). ex. in type. bit rounded in skull. good eyes and ears. good chest. well angulated in shoulder and hindq. strong enough in topline. accept. croup. moves well from good bones and feet but twisting in front at parts. nice temp.
Breeders Group
Ex,1,HP,BOB breeders group. Undralands ræktun (Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir). breeders group. ex. in type and when you look at the standard and search for mentality, breed details, function, coats and so on. group is an ex. breeding result and congrats to the breeder and wish you