Deildarsýning Fjár- og hjarðhundadeildar/
Clubshow, Herding dog club of HRFÍ
Ölfusi, 16.10.2021
Dómari/judge: Marianne Birte Baden (DK)
Baby class, male
BOS baby, VP,1. Ljóna Konungur Ljónanna (Moorwood Special Bookmaker x ISCH Islands Shelties Winter Wonder. Breeder: Sóley Halla Möller, Eig: Þórunn Eggertsdóttir/Sóley Halla Möller): Masculine baby, well set and carried ears, good dark eyes, slightly round, correct bite, good neck and topline, well angulated, moves well, good coat for his age, not happy to be here today.
Beautiful male, excellent type and proportions. Beautiful head with lovely expresson. Correct ears. Lovely neck. Excellent angulation rear. Good body for age. Puppy coat. Moves with good drive, still a little high in front movements.
Baby class, bitch
VP,2. Undralands Dögg (Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands A Star Is Born. Breeder & owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir): Feminine bitch, well set and carried ears, lovely dark eyes, correct bite, good topline, well angulated, moves very well.
BIS-1 baby, BOB baby, VP,1. Undralands Dögun: (Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands A Star Is Born. Breeder & owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir): Lovely baby bitch, lovely ears, well set eyes with good expression, lovely muzzle, excellent topline, well set and carried tail, well angulated, moves very well.
Puppy class, male
BIS-1 puppy, BOB puppy. VP-1. Bláfelds Karli (Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Bláfelds White Snow. Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir, Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir/Arndís Halla Guðmundsdóttir): Masculine, nearly nine months old, good type, lovely head and expression, correct bite, good neck and topline, well angulated, good ribcage, moves well, excellent coat and color, very well presented.
Junior class, male
BIS-3 junior, BOB junior, Ex,1,CK,BM-2. Kirkjufells Special Legacy (Moorwood special Bookmaker x CIB NORDICCH ISCH JCH OB-1 Undralands Force Majeure. Breeder: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir, Owner: Freyja Rúnarsdóttir): Masculine junior, well put together, well set ears and lovely dark eyes, strong bite, excellent neck and topline, well set and carried tail, very well angulated, moves very well, good coat and well presented.
Ex,2. Kirkjufells Special Legend (Moorwood Special Bookmaker x CIB NORDICCH ISCH JCH OB-1 Undralands Force Majeure. Breeder: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir, Owner: Helga Charlotte Reynisdóttir/Anna Birta Hólm): Young boy of correct size, lovely head and expression, well set and carried ears, excellent dark eyes with soft expression, good muzzle and correct bite with strong teeth, good neck and topline, sufficient angulations, moves ok, could show himself better, lovely coat.
Open class, male
Absent. Bláfelds Time To Dance (MultiCh. Louanda Time After Time x Bláfelds White Snow. Owner: x, Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir)
BOS, Ex,1,CK,BM1,CC. Undralands Time Bomb (MultiCh. Louanda Time After Time x ISCH Undralands Grótta. Owner: x, Breeder: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir): Masculine two years old male, nice expression, with well set a bit heavy ears, correct dark eyes, correct bite, excellent topline, with well-set tail, well angulated, moves very well, good coat and color, good temperament.
Ex,2,CK,BM3. Moorwood Special Bookmaker (Ch Lythwood Sundealer x Ch Moorwood Flaming Goldilock. Owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Breeder: Birgitta/Per Svarstad): Masculine four years old dog, well set ears, slightly round eyes and a little heavy in muzzle, strong bite, good top line and well-set tail, well angulated, moves very well, good coat and well presented.
Ex,3. Undralands Once Upon A time (MultiCh. Louanda Time After Time x ISCH Islands Shelties Winter Wonder. Owner: Erna Ómarsdóttir, Breeder: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir): Masculine male, a little broad in skull, well set ears, slightly round eyes, could be more parallel headlines, correct bite, a bit upright in shoulders, good topline and well-set tail, well angulated rear, very narrow in movement and carries the tail very high, good coat.
Junior class, bitch
VG, 1. Hvítársíðu Fluga (Undralands Time Bomb x Island Shelties Frostrose. Breder: Andri K. Karlsson, Owner: Sigurbjörg Ósk Klörudóttir): Feminine bitch, good skull with well-set but a bit heavy ears, good dark eyes, a little snipy in the muzzle, would have preferred a bit more underjaw, good neck, slightly long in loin, a bit too raising topline, could be stronger in front and rear, standing and moving, good coat and nice temperament.
Absent. JCH Kirkjufells Special Beginning (Moorwood Special Bookmaker x CIB NORDICCH ISCH JCH OB-1 Undralands Force Majeure. Breeder/Owner: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir)
Open class, bitch
Ex. Undralands Three Times a Lady (MultiCh Louanda Time After Time x ISCH Islands Shelties Winter Wonder. Eig: Sóley Halla Möller, Rækt: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir): Feminine bitch, good skull and well-set ears, nice eyes, correct bite, good neck and topline, well placed and carried tail, very well angulated, moves well, good ribcage, slightly long in loin, excellent coat quality, very well presented.
Ex,3,CK,BB3. Islands Shelties I Want To Break Free (MultiCh Louanda Time After Time x CIB ISCH Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Owner/Breeder: Vignir Sigurðsson): Lovely bitch, well placed ears, lovely dark eyes, correct bite, excellent neck and topline, well set and carried tail, good long ribcage, slightly narrow in front, moves excellent from sides but could be stronger in the front coming, ok rear. Good coat, and well presented.
Ex. Bláfelds Time To Surprise (MultiCh Louanda Time After Time x Bláfelds White Snow. Breeder/Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir): Feminine bitch, well set ears, lovely eyes, correct bite, good neck and top line, very well placed but a very short tail, well angulated, moves well from the sides, but a little loose in elbows, well presented.
Ex,2,CK. Request Classic Success (Request Shaded Style x Request Classic Glory. Breeder: Lillemor Engebro, Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir): Feminine bitch, well set ears, slightly round eyes, correct bite, good neck and topline, well-set tail, good ribcage, very well angulated, moves well, well presented.
Vg. Islands Shelties A Kind Of Magic (MultiCh Louanda Time After Time x CIB ISCH Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Breeder: Vignir Sigurðssonk, Owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir): Feminine bitch, well set ears, slightly round eyes, a bit snipy in the muzzle, correct bite, good neck and topline, well set and carried tail, well angulated, a bit loose in shoulders and toeing in when coming, good coat quality but not in show condition.
BIS-1,BOB,Ex,1,CK,BB1,CC Islands Shelties Everdeen (CIB ISCH JCH Moorwood Simply Pleasant x CIB ISCH Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Breeder: Vignir Sigurðsson. Owner: x): Very pretty bitch, good skull and very well-placed ears of good size, lovely dark eyes, correct bite, excellent neck and top line, lovely movement from all sides, excellent coat full blown, very well presented, lovely temperament.
Ex.4. Bláfelds Little Miss Sunshine (CIB ISCH Moorwood Simply Pleasant x Bláfelds Snowflake. Breeder/Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir): Feminine bitch, well placed ears, a bit round eyes, correct bite, very upright in shoulders, good topline, and well place tail, well angulated rear, moves well from the sides, but could be more parallel in the front. Good coat, nice temperament.
Vg. Island Shelties Somebody To Love (MultiCh Time After Time x CIB ISCH Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Owner/Breeder: Vignir Sigurðsson): Feminine bitch, well placed ears, slightly round eyes, correct bite, very upright in shoulders, the line from ears to tail not flowing, well angulated rear, movement coming and going is very close and crossing, good temperament.
Clubshow, Herding dog club of HRFÍ
Ölfusi, 16.10.2021
Dómari/judge: Marianne Birte Baden (DK)
Baby class, male
BOS baby, VP,1. Ljóna Konungur Ljónanna (Moorwood Special Bookmaker x ISCH Islands Shelties Winter Wonder. Breeder: Sóley Halla Möller, Eig: Þórunn Eggertsdóttir/Sóley Halla Möller): Masculine baby, well set and carried ears, good dark eyes, slightly round, correct bite, good neck and topline, well angulated, moves well, good coat for his age, not happy to be here today.
Beautiful male, excellent type and proportions. Beautiful head with lovely expresson. Correct ears. Lovely neck. Excellent angulation rear. Good body for age. Puppy coat. Moves with good drive, still a little high in front movements.
Baby class, bitch
VP,2. Undralands Dögg (Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands A Star Is Born. Breeder & owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir): Feminine bitch, well set and carried ears, lovely dark eyes, correct bite, good topline, well angulated, moves very well.
BIS-1 baby, BOB baby, VP,1. Undralands Dögun: (Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Undralands A Star Is Born. Breeder & owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir): Lovely baby bitch, lovely ears, well set eyes with good expression, lovely muzzle, excellent topline, well set and carried tail, well angulated, moves very well.
Puppy class, male
BIS-1 puppy, BOB puppy. VP-1. Bláfelds Karli (Moorwood Special Bookmaker x Bláfelds White Snow. Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir, Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir/Arndís Halla Guðmundsdóttir): Masculine, nearly nine months old, good type, lovely head and expression, correct bite, good neck and topline, well angulated, good ribcage, moves well, excellent coat and color, very well presented.
Junior class, male
BIS-3 junior, BOB junior, Ex,1,CK,BM-2. Kirkjufells Special Legacy (Moorwood special Bookmaker x CIB NORDICCH ISCH JCH OB-1 Undralands Force Majeure. Breeder: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir, Owner: Freyja Rúnarsdóttir): Masculine junior, well put together, well set ears and lovely dark eyes, strong bite, excellent neck and topline, well set and carried tail, very well angulated, moves very well, good coat and well presented.
Ex,2. Kirkjufells Special Legend (Moorwood Special Bookmaker x CIB NORDICCH ISCH JCH OB-1 Undralands Force Majeure. Breeder: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir, Owner: Helga Charlotte Reynisdóttir/Anna Birta Hólm): Young boy of correct size, lovely head and expression, well set and carried ears, excellent dark eyes with soft expression, good muzzle and correct bite with strong teeth, good neck and topline, sufficient angulations, moves ok, could show himself better, lovely coat.
Open class, male
Absent. Bláfelds Time To Dance (MultiCh. Louanda Time After Time x Bláfelds White Snow. Owner: x, Breeder: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir)
BOS, Ex,1,CK,BM1,CC. Undralands Time Bomb (MultiCh. Louanda Time After Time x ISCH Undralands Grótta. Owner: x, Breeder: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir): Masculine two years old male, nice expression, with well set a bit heavy ears, correct dark eyes, correct bite, excellent topline, with well-set tail, well angulated, moves very well, good coat and color, good temperament.
Ex,2,CK,BM3. Moorwood Special Bookmaker (Ch Lythwood Sundealer x Ch Moorwood Flaming Goldilock. Owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Breeder: Birgitta/Per Svarstad): Masculine four years old dog, well set ears, slightly round eyes and a little heavy in muzzle, strong bite, good top line and well-set tail, well angulated, moves very well, good coat and well presented.
Ex,3. Undralands Once Upon A time (MultiCh. Louanda Time After Time x ISCH Islands Shelties Winter Wonder. Owner: Erna Ómarsdóttir, Breeder: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir): Masculine male, a little broad in skull, well set ears, slightly round eyes, could be more parallel headlines, correct bite, a bit upright in shoulders, good topline and well-set tail, well angulated rear, very narrow in movement and carries the tail very high, good coat.
Junior class, bitch
VG, 1. Hvítársíðu Fluga (Undralands Time Bomb x Island Shelties Frostrose. Breder: Andri K. Karlsson, Owner: Sigurbjörg Ósk Klörudóttir): Feminine bitch, good skull with well-set but a bit heavy ears, good dark eyes, a little snipy in the muzzle, would have preferred a bit more underjaw, good neck, slightly long in loin, a bit too raising topline, could be stronger in front and rear, standing and moving, good coat and nice temperament.
Absent. JCH Kirkjufells Special Beginning (Moorwood Special Bookmaker x CIB NORDICCH ISCH JCH OB-1 Undralands Force Majeure. Breeder/Owner: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir)
Open class, bitch
Ex. Undralands Three Times a Lady (MultiCh Louanda Time After Time x ISCH Islands Shelties Winter Wonder. Eig: Sóley Halla Möller, Rækt: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir): Feminine bitch, good skull and well-set ears, nice eyes, correct bite, good neck and topline, well placed and carried tail, very well angulated, moves well, good ribcage, slightly long in loin, excellent coat quality, very well presented.
Ex,3,CK,BB3. Islands Shelties I Want To Break Free (MultiCh Louanda Time After Time x CIB ISCH Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Owner/Breeder: Vignir Sigurðsson): Lovely bitch, well placed ears, lovely dark eyes, correct bite, excellent neck and topline, well set and carried tail, good long ribcage, slightly narrow in front, moves excellent from sides but could be stronger in the front coming, ok rear. Good coat, and well presented.
Ex. Bláfelds Time To Surprise (MultiCh Louanda Time After Time x Bláfelds White Snow. Breeder/Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir): Feminine bitch, well set ears, lovely eyes, correct bite, good neck and top line, very well placed but a very short tail, well angulated, moves well from the sides, but a little loose in elbows, well presented.
Ex,2,CK. Request Classic Success (Request Shaded Style x Request Classic Glory. Breeder: Lillemor Engebro, Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir): Feminine bitch, well set ears, slightly round eyes, correct bite, good neck and topline, well-set tail, good ribcage, very well angulated, moves well, well presented.
Vg. Islands Shelties A Kind Of Magic (MultiCh Louanda Time After Time x CIB ISCH Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Breeder: Vignir Sigurðssonk, Owner: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir): Feminine bitch, well set ears, slightly round eyes, a bit snipy in the muzzle, correct bite, good neck and topline, well set and carried tail, well angulated, a bit loose in shoulders and toeing in when coming, good coat quality but not in show condition.
BIS-1,BOB,Ex,1,CK,BB1,CC Islands Shelties Everdeen (CIB ISCH JCH Moorwood Simply Pleasant x CIB ISCH Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Breeder: Vignir Sigurðsson. Owner: x): Very pretty bitch, good skull and very well-placed ears of good size, lovely dark eyes, correct bite, excellent neck and top line, lovely movement from all sides, excellent coat full blown, very well presented, lovely temperament.
Ex.4. Bláfelds Little Miss Sunshine (CIB ISCH Moorwood Simply Pleasant x Bláfelds Snowflake. Breeder/Owner: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir): Feminine bitch, well placed ears, a bit round eyes, correct bite, very upright in shoulders, good topline, and well place tail, well angulated rear, moves well from the sides, but could be more parallel in the front. Good coat, nice temperament.
Vg. Island Shelties Somebody To Love (MultiCh Time After Time x CIB ISCH Speedlines Chocolate Crisps. Owner/Breeder: Vignir Sigurðsson): Feminine bitch, well placed ears, slightly round eyes, correct bite, very upright in shoulders, the line from ears to tail not flowing, well angulated rear, movement coming and going is very close and crossing, good temperament.