IDS Northern Light Reykjavík
29.feb-1.mars 2020
Judge: Bo Skalin, Svíþjóð
Skráðir: 26 (Met, búmm)
Ungviði rakkar (baby class males)
SL,1,BOB puppy: Bláfelds Time To Dream: Nice head, correct forhead. Good ears, nice temp. Good angul. in front and back. Still puppycoat. Corr. neck. Good angul. in front and back. Nice temp. Very promising. Moves well.
SL,2: Bláfelds Time To Dance: Good head. Could have a little more place between the eyes corr. ears, good neck. Good angul. Moves well back could take the step a little more in front. Corr. prop., nice temp.
Hvolpaflokkur rakkar (puppy class males)
SL,1, BOS puppy: Undralands Time Bomb: Corr. head. A little light ears. Could have a little more width in the forehead. Good size, nice temp. Corr. neck. Good coat. Moves well. Could have a little knee. Corr. tail.
SL,2: Islands Shelties Your'e my best friend: Good head. Nice temp. Corr. neck. Carries the tail a little high. Moves well but could take out the step a little more. Corr. coat. Could have a little more angulation in the front. Stands good on the feet.
L,3: Undralands Time Traveller: Nice temp. A little big in the size. Good head. The stop could be a little more between the eyes. Corr. neck. A little fat. Corr. topline. Could have a little more angul. in front and back. Moves quick but could take the step out a bit more.
Ungliðaflokkur rakkar (junior class males)
Ex,1,CK,BM2,CC,JCC: Undralands Once Upon A Time: Good size. Nice head with corr. expr. Dark eyes. Lovely quality of the coat. Little young high tail. I prefer a little more heavy bones. Good neck. Very nice in the line. Good angul. moves well. Nice temp.
Unghundaflokkur rakkar (intermediate class males)
G: Bláfelds Time To Fly: Absolut too fat. Lovely temp. Could have a little more elegant head. Corr. neck. Good angul in the front and back. Moves well. A little big in the size. Good tail. Corr. bone.
Opinn flokkur rakkar (open class males)
Vg,1: Vesturkots Loki: Lovely temp. Exc. coat. A little heavy head, could have a little more elegane. Little big in the size. Corr. prop. Good tail. Little straight in the front. Should take out the step more. In very good condition. Good bone. Could have more angul. in the front.
Meistaraflokkur rakkar (champion class males)
Ex,1,CK,BR1,CACIB,BOS ISCH: Undralands Ego: Good head with a little big eyes. Corr. size. Good angul. in front and back. Exc. coat. Corr. tail. Moves very well. Nice temp. Good body.
Ungviðaflokkur tíkur (baby class bitch)
SL,1, BOS baby: Bláfelds Time To Surprise: Nice feminine head with corr. expr. Corr. ears. Very nice temp. Corr. prop. A little straight in the front, could have a little more elegant neck. Moves well in the back. Corr. tail.
Hvolpaflokkur tikur (puppy class bitch)
SL,1, BOB puppy: Islands Shelties Somebody To Love: Very nice bitch with good temp. Corr head with good eyes. Very good ears. Good neck. Corr. angul. in front and back. Exc. coat for the age. Good long tail. Good prop. A little low in the croup. Stand very good on her feet.
SL,2: Island Shelties A Kind Of Magic: Feminine head. with corr. eyes. Good ears. Corr. size. Good neck. Good angul. in front and back. Moves well. With the corr. coat on the way out. Nice tail. Very nice temp.
SL,3: Bláfelds Precious Time: Nice temp. Good size. Corr. ears. A little big eyes. Could have a little longer forehead. Good angul. in front and back. Could have a little more elegant neck. Exc. coat. Moves well. A little short tail.
SL,4: Undralands Just In Time: Very nice temp. A little big in the size. Good head. Little big eyes. Good neck. A little straight in the upper arm and put out the front feet a little. Good prop. Very good angul. in the back with corr. hock. Moves well but weaving a little in front.
SL: Islands Shelties I Want to Break Free: Nice feminine head, with corr. eyes. Good neck. Nice temp. a little stressed because of german shep. in the ring beside. But the little I can see she moves well. Good body. Corr. tail. Corr. coat for the age. Good prop. With nice neck.
Unghundaflokkur tíkur (junior class bitch)
Ex,1,CK,BT1,CC,JCC: Undralands Three Times A Lady: Very nice bitch with nice feminine head. Good ears. Corr. neck. Very good angul. in front and back. Exc. coat. Good long body. Moves well.
Ex,2,CK,BT4: Request Classic Success: Very nice bitch. Not int he best coat today. Has a corr. head. Could have a little more width in the forhead. Very good front. VG size. Good neck. Very nice tail. Moves very well. Very nice temp.
Ex,3,CK: Undralands A Star Is Born: Very nice temp. Corr. head with good eyes. Little straight in the front and could have a little more elegant neck. Moves well. Corr. tail. The good quality of the coat are on the way out. Good prop.
Ungliðaflokkur tíkur (intermediate class bitch)
Ex,1,CK: Islands Shelties Everdeen: Good size. Nice temp. Good head. A busy woman. A little big eyes. Corr. ears. Moves well. Corr. tail. Could have a little more elegant neck. Good quality of the coat, but could have a little more coat.
Opinn flokkur tíkur (open class bitches)
Ex,1,CK,BT2,CACIB: Speedlines Chocolate Crips: Nice bitch and lovely temp. Corr. head. Good ears. Corr. size. Good neck. A little short tail, carried well. Good prop. Moves in good single track.
Ex,2,CK: Islands Shelties Frostrose: Nice temp. Corr. head. Good ears. Good neck. Corr. size. Nice tail. Moves well. Good chest with corr. angul. in front and back.
Ex,3 Bláfelds Little Miss Sunshine: Nice bitch, a little heavy in the body. The head could be a little more elegant. Good neck. Corr. size. VG angul. in front and back. Corr. coat. Moves very well. Carr. tail very well. Nice temp. Good bone.
Meistaraflokkur tíkur (champion class bitch)
Ex,1,CK,BT3,R-CACIB: Undralands Grótta: Good head. A little big eyes. Corr. ears. A little big in the size. Good neck. Corr. angul. in front and the back. Moves very well. Stand good on the feet. Nice breed type. Good body.
Ex,2,CK: Islands Shelties Winter Wonder: Nice temp. Good head who could be a little more elegant. Could have a little more width in the forehead. Corr. ears. Good angul. in front and back. Good tail. Little fat. Moves well. Exc. coat. Stand good on the feet.
ME (ABS) Undralands Force Majeure
Ræktunarhópur (Breeders class)
Ex,1,HP BOB Undralands: Nice group. With lovely temp. They all move very well. With long body. Corr. head with good ears. The quality of the coat is good. Standing VG on the feet. Good long chests. Congratulations on the good work.
29.feb-1.mars 2020
Judge: Bo Skalin, Svíþjóð
Skráðir: 26 (Met, búmm)
Ungviði rakkar (baby class males)
SL,1,BOB puppy: Bláfelds Time To Dream: Nice head, correct forhead. Good ears, nice temp. Good angul. in front and back. Still puppycoat. Corr. neck. Good angul. in front and back. Nice temp. Very promising. Moves well.
SL,2: Bláfelds Time To Dance: Good head. Could have a little more place between the eyes corr. ears, good neck. Good angul. Moves well back could take the step a little more in front. Corr. prop., nice temp.
Hvolpaflokkur rakkar (puppy class males)
SL,1, BOS puppy: Undralands Time Bomb: Corr. head. A little light ears. Could have a little more width in the forehead. Good size, nice temp. Corr. neck. Good coat. Moves well. Could have a little knee. Corr. tail.
SL,2: Islands Shelties Your'e my best friend: Good head. Nice temp. Corr. neck. Carries the tail a little high. Moves well but could take out the step a little more. Corr. coat. Could have a little more angulation in the front. Stands good on the feet.
L,3: Undralands Time Traveller: Nice temp. A little big in the size. Good head. The stop could be a little more between the eyes. Corr. neck. A little fat. Corr. topline. Could have a little more angul. in front and back. Moves quick but could take the step out a bit more.
Ungliðaflokkur rakkar (junior class males)
Ex,1,CK,BM2,CC,JCC: Undralands Once Upon A Time: Good size. Nice head with corr. expr. Dark eyes. Lovely quality of the coat. Little young high tail. I prefer a little more heavy bones. Good neck. Very nice in the line. Good angul. moves well. Nice temp.
Unghundaflokkur rakkar (intermediate class males)
G: Bláfelds Time To Fly: Absolut too fat. Lovely temp. Could have a little more elegant head. Corr. neck. Good angul in the front and back. Moves well. A little big in the size. Good tail. Corr. bone.
Opinn flokkur rakkar (open class males)
Vg,1: Vesturkots Loki: Lovely temp. Exc. coat. A little heavy head, could have a little more elegane. Little big in the size. Corr. prop. Good tail. Little straight in the front. Should take out the step more. In very good condition. Good bone. Could have more angul. in the front.
Meistaraflokkur rakkar (champion class males)
Ex,1,CK,BR1,CACIB,BOS ISCH: Undralands Ego: Good head with a little big eyes. Corr. size. Good angul. in front and back. Exc. coat. Corr. tail. Moves very well. Nice temp. Good body.
Ungviðaflokkur tíkur (baby class bitch)
SL,1, BOS baby: Bláfelds Time To Surprise: Nice feminine head with corr. expr. Corr. ears. Very nice temp. Corr. prop. A little straight in the front, could have a little more elegant neck. Moves well in the back. Corr. tail.
Hvolpaflokkur tikur (puppy class bitch)
SL,1, BOB puppy: Islands Shelties Somebody To Love: Very nice bitch with good temp. Corr head with good eyes. Very good ears. Good neck. Corr. angul. in front and back. Exc. coat for the age. Good long tail. Good prop. A little low in the croup. Stand very good on her feet.
SL,2: Island Shelties A Kind Of Magic: Feminine head. with corr. eyes. Good ears. Corr. size. Good neck. Good angul. in front and back. Moves well. With the corr. coat on the way out. Nice tail. Very nice temp.
SL,3: Bláfelds Precious Time: Nice temp. Good size. Corr. ears. A little big eyes. Could have a little longer forehead. Good angul. in front and back. Could have a little more elegant neck. Exc. coat. Moves well. A little short tail.
SL,4: Undralands Just In Time: Very nice temp. A little big in the size. Good head. Little big eyes. Good neck. A little straight in the upper arm and put out the front feet a little. Good prop. Very good angul. in the back with corr. hock. Moves well but weaving a little in front.
SL: Islands Shelties I Want to Break Free: Nice feminine head, with corr. eyes. Good neck. Nice temp. a little stressed because of german shep. in the ring beside. But the little I can see she moves well. Good body. Corr. tail. Corr. coat for the age. Good prop. With nice neck.
Unghundaflokkur tíkur (junior class bitch)
Ex,1,CK,BT1,CC,JCC: Undralands Three Times A Lady: Very nice bitch with nice feminine head. Good ears. Corr. neck. Very good angul. in front and back. Exc. coat. Good long body. Moves well.
Ex,2,CK,BT4: Request Classic Success: Very nice bitch. Not int he best coat today. Has a corr. head. Could have a little more width in the forhead. Very good front. VG size. Good neck. Very nice tail. Moves very well. Very nice temp.
Ex,3,CK: Undralands A Star Is Born: Very nice temp. Corr. head with good eyes. Little straight in the front and could have a little more elegant neck. Moves well. Corr. tail. The good quality of the coat are on the way out. Good prop.
Ungliðaflokkur tíkur (intermediate class bitch)
Ex,1,CK: Islands Shelties Everdeen: Good size. Nice temp. Good head. A busy woman. A little big eyes. Corr. ears. Moves well. Corr. tail. Could have a little more elegant neck. Good quality of the coat, but could have a little more coat.
Opinn flokkur tíkur (open class bitches)
Ex,1,CK,BT2,CACIB: Speedlines Chocolate Crips: Nice bitch and lovely temp. Corr. head. Good ears. Corr. size. Good neck. A little short tail, carried well. Good prop. Moves in good single track.
Ex,2,CK: Islands Shelties Frostrose: Nice temp. Corr. head. Good ears. Good neck. Corr. size. Nice tail. Moves well. Good chest with corr. angul. in front and back.
Ex,3 Bláfelds Little Miss Sunshine: Nice bitch, a little heavy in the body. The head could be a little more elegant. Good neck. Corr. size. VG angul. in front and back. Corr. coat. Moves very well. Carr. tail very well. Nice temp. Good bone.
Meistaraflokkur tíkur (champion class bitch)
Ex,1,CK,BT3,R-CACIB: Undralands Grótta: Good head. A little big eyes. Corr. ears. A little big in the size. Good neck. Corr. angul. in front and the back. Moves very well. Stand good on the feet. Nice breed type. Good body.
Ex,2,CK: Islands Shelties Winter Wonder: Nice temp. Good head who could be a little more elegant. Could have a little more width in the forehead. Corr. ears. Good angul. in front and back. Good tail. Little fat. Moves well. Exc. coat. Stand good on the feet.
ME (ABS) Undralands Force Majeure
Ræktunarhópur (Breeders class)
Ex,1,HP BOB Undralands: Nice group. With lovely temp. They all move very well. With long body. Corr. head with good ears. The quality of the coat is good. Standing VG on the feet. Good long chests. Congratulations on the good work.