Deildarsýning Suðurlandi 20.10.2018
Dómari: Beata Petkvica
(8 skráðir, 1 mætti ekki)
1.sæti:Islands Shelties Lightyear.Eig: Rækt: VignirSigurðsson (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh ESJCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant – Móðir: RW-16 Speedlines Chocolate Crisps)
6 months Correct bite. Strong teeth. Quite big boy. Correct length of body. Quite strong bones. A little bit light in ears. Enough strong pigment in eyes. Good length of head. Medium stop. A ittle short in neck at the moment. Topline should be more stable and straight in future. Little bit slouping in croup. Correct coat and colour. Beautiful temperament. Hope to seem in future more ground covering movements.
Ex,1: Vesturkots Loki, Eig: Rækt: Hulda Finnsdóttir (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh ESJch Moorwood Simply Pleasant – Sólstafa Lukku Lucky Lady):
Very muscled boy, prefer him a little bit smaller in size. Correct bite. Correct length of body. Quite strong bones. Very strong and muscled head. A little bit deep in skull. Excellent pigment. Excellent ear carriage. Excellent profile lines of head. Excellent clean lips. Excellent neck. A little bit straight shoulders. Topline should be more stable and straight when he moves. Medium back angulation. In movements, too wide from back. Prefer to see more long ground covering step. A little bit short tail. Fantastic temperament. Excellent coat texture and colour. Well presented.
ABS/ME: Undralands Vaskur, Eig: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Rækt: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh ESJCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Móðir: Undralands Moor Than A Feeling)
Ex,1,CK,BR1,BOB,BIS-4: AUCh SECh DKCh FICh SEV-17 ISCH Louanda Time After Time, Eigandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Ræktandi: Louanda kennels (Faðir: GBCh Rannerdale The Time Warp – Móðir: Louanda Exclusive Style)
6 years old. Attractive adult boy with beautiful silhouette. Correct bite. Good bones and good length of body. Excellent type of head. Excellent stop. Beautiful dark almond shaped eyes. Excellent placement of eyes and ears. Correct underjaw and lips. High placed neck. Good placement of shoulder blade. A little bit straight in upper arm. Prefer to see little bit more oval shaped feet. Good spring of ribs. Tail should be longer. Very rich coat, a little bit soft in texture. Excellent profile movements. Enough power in drive in back. Well presented.
Ex,1,CK,BT1,CC,BOS: Islands Shelties Winter Wonder, Eig: Sóley Halla Möller, Rækt: Vignir Sigurðsson (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh ESJCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant – Móðir: RW-16 Speedlines Chocolate Crisps)
Almost 2 years old. Excellent type. Correct bite. Excellent size. Beautiful silhouette. Feminine head. Just a little bit heavy ears. Excellent pigment. Correct stop. Dark eyes. Excellent topline. Needs time for development of front. A little bit lose front at moment. Excellent placement of shoulder blade. Well angulated from back. Excellent long tail. Excellent texture of coat. Well presented. Excellent profile movements, still a little bit narrow from back, just a little bit loose from front. Just needs time to mature but very beautiful in general.
Cannot be judged: Vesturkots Freyja, Eig/Rækt: Hulda Finnsdóttir (C.I.B. ISCh ESJCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Sólstafa Lukku Lucky Lady)
Correct bite. Young female. Correct size and length of body. Quite strong head. Has trauma on right eye. Impossible to say about size and colour of eye. Impossible to judge expression. Good lips. Quite strong muzzle. Correct stop. Good placement of neck. Correct topline. Correct bones. Quite wide and deep body. Medium back angulation. Medium length coat. Correct texture. A little bit wide placement of legs when moves. A little bit high stepping in front. Nice temperamaent. Can´t be judged because of trauma.
Ex,1,CK,BT2: Undralands Grótta, Eig/Rækt: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh ESJCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Móðir: Undralands Moor Than A Feeling):
3 years old. Feminine with good bones and good length of body. Excellent pigment. Good length of head. A little bit long in stop. Dark brown eyes. Good size of eyes, just a little bit rounded in shape. Excellent line of lips. Well rounded chin but underjaw a little bit narrow. A little bit heavy in ears. Excellent neck. Excellent forechest. Excellent placement of elbows. Excellent spring of ribs. Long ribcage. Little bit long in loin. Well angulated from back. Correct length of tail. Correct style of movement. Well presented
Ex,2,CK,BT3: Sólstafa Lukku Lucky Lady, Eigandi: Hulda Finnsdóttir, Ræktandi: Sigríður Hrund Guðmundsdóttir (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh Bláfelds Arctic Gun - Móðir: Undralands Moor Than A Feeling):
4 years old. Strong female. Long in body. Quite solid bones. Excellent pigment. Correct length of head. Correct stop. Little bit wide placed ears. Dark eyes. Correct stop. Excellent front angulation. Excellent front assembly. Good spring of ribs. Very long ribcage. Stable powerful movements with good drive. Very strong female but still feminin. Correct cat and colour. Well presented.
Dómari: Beata Petkvica
(8 skráðir, 1 mætti ekki)
1.sæti:Islands Shelties Lightyear.Eig: Rækt: VignirSigurðsson (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh ESJCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant – Móðir: RW-16 Speedlines Chocolate Crisps)
6 months Correct bite. Strong teeth. Quite big boy. Correct length of body. Quite strong bones. A little bit light in ears. Enough strong pigment in eyes. Good length of head. Medium stop. A ittle short in neck at the moment. Topline should be more stable and straight in future. Little bit slouping in croup. Correct coat and colour. Beautiful temperament. Hope to seem in future more ground covering movements.
Ex,1: Vesturkots Loki, Eig: Rækt: Hulda Finnsdóttir (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh ESJch Moorwood Simply Pleasant – Sólstafa Lukku Lucky Lady):
Very muscled boy, prefer him a little bit smaller in size. Correct bite. Correct length of body. Quite strong bones. Very strong and muscled head. A little bit deep in skull. Excellent pigment. Excellent ear carriage. Excellent profile lines of head. Excellent clean lips. Excellent neck. A little bit straight shoulders. Topline should be more stable and straight when he moves. Medium back angulation. In movements, too wide from back. Prefer to see more long ground covering step. A little bit short tail. Fantastic temperament. Excellent coat texture and colour. Well presented.
ABS/ME: Undralands Vaskur, Eig: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Rækt: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh ESJCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Móðir: Undralands Moor Than A Feeling)
Ex,1,CK,BR1,BOB,BIS-4: AUCh SECh DKCh FICh SEV-17 ISCH Louanda Time After Time, Eigandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Ræktandi: Louanda kennels (Faðir: GBCh Rannerdale The Time Warp – Móðir: Louanda Exclusive Style)
6 years old. Attractive adult boy with beautiful silhouette. Correct bite. Good bones and good length of body. Excellent type of head. Excellent stop. Beautiful dark almond shaped eyes. Excellent placement of eyes and ears. Correct underjaw and lips. High placed neck. Good placement of shoulder blade. A little bit straight in upper arm. Prefer to see little bit more oval shaped feet. Good spring of ribs. Tail should be longer. Very rich coat, a little bit soft in texture. Excellent profile movements. Enough power in drive in back. Well presented.
Ex,1,CK,BT1,CC,BOS: Islands Shelties Winter Wonder, Eig: Sóley Halla Möller, Rækt: Vignir Sigurðsson (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh ESJCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant – Móðir: RW-16 Speedlines Chocolate Crisps)
Almost 2 years old. Excellent type. Correct bite. Excellent size. Beautiful silhouette. Feminine head. Just a little bit heavy ears. Excellent pigment. Correct stop. Dark eyes. Excellent topline. Needs time for development of front. A little bit lose front at moment. Excellent placement of shoulder blade. Well angulated from back. Excellent long tail. Excellent texture of coat. Well presented. Excellent profile movements, still a little bit narrow from back, just a little bit loose from front. Just needs time to mature but very beautiful in general.
Cannot be judged: Vesturkots Freyja, Eig/Rækt: Hulda Finnsdóttir (C.I.B. ISCh ESJCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Sólstafa Lukku Lucky Lady)
Correct bite. Young female. Correct size and length of body. Quite strong head. Has trauma on right eye. Impossible to say about size and colour of eye. Impossible to judge expression. Good lips. Quite strong muzzle. Correct stop. Good placement of neck. Correct topline. Correct bones. Quite wide and deep body. Medium back angulation. Medium length coat. Correct texture. A little bit wide placement of legs when moves. A little bit high stepping in front. Nice temperamaent. Can´t be judged because of trauma.
Ex,1,CK,BT2: Undralands Grótta, Eig/Rækt: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh ESJCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Móðir: Undralands Moor Than A Feeling):
3 years old. Feminine with good bones and good length of body. Excellent pigment. Good length of head. A little bit long in stop. Dark brown eyes. Good size of eyes, just a little bit rounded in shape. Excellent line of lips. Well rounded chin but underjaw a little bit narrow. A little bit heavy in ears. Excellent neck. Excellent forechest. Excellent placement of elbows. Excellent spring of ribs. Long ribcage. Little bit long in loin. Well angulated from back. Correct length of tail. Correct style of movement. Well presented
Ex,2,CK,BT3: Sólstafa Lukku Lucky Lady, Eigandi: Hulda Finnsdóttir, Ræktandi: Sigríður Hrund Guðmundsdóttir (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh Bláfelds Arctic Gun - Móðir: Undralands Moor Than A Feeling):
4 years old. Strong female. Long in body. Quite solid bones. Excellent pigment. Correct length of head. Correct stop. Little bit wide placed ears. Dark eyes. Correct stop. Excellent front angulation. Excellent front assembly. Good spring of ribs. Very long ribcage. Stable powerful movements with good drive. Very strong female but still feminin. Correct cat and colour. Well presented.