Hvolpasýning 2. september 2016
Dómari: John Muldoon, Írlandi
(2 skráðir, 1 mætti ekki)
BOB ungviði: Bláfelds Little Miss Sunshine. Eigandi & ræktandi: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir (Faðir: ESJCh ISCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Móðir: RW-13&14 ISCh Bláfelds Snowflake):
Lovely expression. Beautiful ears. Lovely dark eyes. Lovely balance. Lovely almond shaped eyes. Lovely muzzle, very good muzzle. Very good pigment. Very nice body and lovely size. Beautiful coat in very good condition. Lovely tail set. Nice ribcage. Moves lovely, shows well. Very promising
Dómari: John Muldoon, Írlandi
(2 skráðir, 1 mætti ekki)
BOB ungviði: Bláfelds Little Miss Sunshine. Eigandi & ræktandi: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir (Faðir: ESJCh ISCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Móðir: RW-13&14 ISCh Bláfelds Snowflake):
Lovely expression. Beautiful ears. Lovely dark eyes. Lovely balance. Lovely almond shaped eyes. Lovely muzzle, very good muzzle. Very good pigment. Very nice body and lovely size. Beautiful coat in very good condition. Lovely tail set. Nice ribcage. Moves lovely, shows well. Very promising
Alþjóðleg sýning HRFÍ 3.-4. September 2016
Dómari: Sean Delmar, Írlandi
(13 skráðir, 4 mættu ekki)
Dómari: Sean Delmar, Írlandi
(13 skráðir, 4 mættu ekki)
Exc,1,CK,JCC,BR4,CC: Undralands Ego, Eigandi: Gunnlaugur Þráinsson, Ræktandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir (Faðir: ESJCh ISCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Móðir: RW-15 C.I.B. ISCh Moorwood Follow the Fashion):
Nice headshape. Good clean cheeks. Excellent forface. A little high in shoulder. Good head carrige. Correct topline. A little long in the loin. Nice full coat. Little loose in front movement.
M.E: Undralands Vaskur, Eigandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir, Ræktandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir (Faðir: ESJCh ISCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Móðir: Undralands Moor Than A Feeling)
M.E: Bláfelds Teddy Bear, Eigandi: Guðni Birkir Ólafsson, Ræktandi: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir (Faðir: RW-14 ISCh RW-13 Undralands Moor To Come - Móðir: RW-14 ISCh RW-13 Bláfelds Snowflake)
Exc,3,CK,BR3: ESJCh ISCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant, Eigandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir, Ræktandi: Birgitta & Per Svarstad (Faðir: AUCh SEUCh DKUCh FIUCh Louanda Simply Gold - Móðir: SEUCh EECh FIUCh SEW-11 Moorwood Aflame of Passion):
Good headshape. Eyes a little too round. A little high in shoulder. Head looks a little too full for body. Well developed body. Good coat. Needs a little more confidence.
Exc,1,CK,BR1,CACIB,BOB: RW-14 ISCh RW-13 Undralands Moor To Come, Eigandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir, Ræktandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh Sunsweet Look My Way - Móðir: Islands Shelties Midnight Sun):
Excellent eyes, dark and of correct shape. Small, well placed ears. Excellent front and shoulders. Ideal topline. Strong hocks, excellent coat. Excellent mover, good extension in front. Correct body pasture when moving.
Exc,2,CK,BR2,R-CACIB: RW-15 NLW-15 ISCh Undralands Grand Scheme, Eigandi: Aðalheiður Sighvatsdóttir, Ræktandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh Robba Dan Krummi - Móðir: RW-15 C.I.B. ISCh Moorwood Follow the Fashion):
Would like the forface more filled under the eyes. Small well placed ears. Well developed body, nice and broad across the loin. Good hindquarters. Nice full coat. Moves well.
Exc,1,CK,JCC,BT1,CC,BOS: Undralands Force Majeure, Eigandi: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir, Ræktandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir (Faðir: ESJCh ISCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Móðir: RW-15 C.I.B. ISCh Moorwood Follow the Fashion):
Nice, dark, corred shaped eyes. Good head proportions. Well placed ears. Good body shape with excellent topline. Nice strong hindquarters. Moved well. Nice, balanced outline.
Vg,3: Undralands Bona Fide, Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir/Þórunn Jónasdóttir, Ræktandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir (Faðir: ESJCh ISCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Móðir: RW-15 C.I.B. ISCh Moorwood Follow the Fashion): Eyes too round, nice ears. A little too high in shoulder. A little too open in the forchest. Good topline. A little too low to the ground in appearance. Moves ok.
Exc,2: Undralands Grótta, Eigandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir / Halldóra Reykdal, Ræktandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir (Faðir: ESJCh ISCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Móðir: Undralands Moor Than A Feeling): Would like the eyes better shaped. A little strong scull. Excellent topline. Excellent body shape. Nice coat. Good shape when moving. Excellent type.
Ex,1,CK,BT2,CACIB: RW-16 Speedlines Chocolate Crips, Eigandi: Vignir Sigurðsson, Ræktandi: Conny Arvidsson & Junita Arwidsson (Faðir: C.I.B. Limbunya Orion - Móðir: SEUCh NOUCh DKUCh C.I.B. Lundecock's That's It):
Nice expression. Betty Davis eyes. Would like forface stronger. A little high in shoulder. A little too open in forchest. Good topline. Good hindquarters. Would like a thicker coat. Crossing in front when moving. Nice expression.
M.E. Bláfelds White Snow, Eigandi: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir, Ræktandi: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir (Faðir: RW-14 ISCh RW-13 Undralands Moor To Come - Móðir: RW-14 ISCh RW-13 Bláfelds Snowflake)
Exc,1: Sólstafa Lukku Lucky Lady, Eigandi: Hulda Finnsdóttir, Ræktandi: Sigríður Hrund Guðmundsdóttir (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh Bláfelds Arctic Gun - Móðir: Undralands Moor Than A Feeling):
A little strong in the head. Too heavy in the body. Topline roaching too much. Good coat. Inclined to overreach behind when moving. Too heavy in body and topline not correct.
M.E. ISCh Moorwood Aflame of Charm, Eigandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir, Ræktandi: Birgitta & Per Svarstad (Faðir: NORDUCh DKUCh INTUCh PTChWW-01 LUCh Moorwood Handsome Boss - Móðir: SEUCh EECh FIUCh SEW-11 Moorwood Aflame of Passion)
Exc,1,HP: Undralandsræktun: Moor To Come, Ego, Force Majeure:
Correct expression right across this group. Small, well placed ears. Good topline and body shapes. Nice clean movers.
Exc,1,CK,JCC,BR4,CC: Undralands Ego, Eigandi: Gunnlaugur Þráinsson, Ræktandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir (Faðir: ESJCh ISCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Móðir: RW-15 C.I.B. ISCh Moorwood Follow the Fashion):
Nice headshape. Good clean cheeks. Excellent forface. A little high in shoulder. Good head carrige. Correct topline. A little long in the loin. Nice full coat. Little loose in front movement.
M.E: Undralands Vaskur, Eigandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir, Ræktandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir (Faðir: ESJCh ISCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Móðir: Undralands Moor Than A Feeling)
M.E: Bláfelds Teddy Bear, Eigandi: Guðni Birkir Ólafsson, Ræktandi: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir (Faðir: RW-14 ISCh RW-13 Undralands Moor To Come - Móðir: RW-14 ISCh RW-13 Bláfelds Snowflake)
Exc,3,CK,BR3: ESJCh ISCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant, Eigandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir, Ræktandi: Birgitta & Per Svarstad (Faðir: AUCh SEUCh DKUCh FIUCh Louanda Simply Gold - Móðir: SEUCh EECh FIUCh SEW-11 Moorwood Aflame of Passion):
Good headshape. Eyes a little too round. A little high in shoulder. Head looks a little too full for body. Well developed body. Good coat. Needs a little more confidence.
Exc,1,CK,BR1,CACIB,BOB: RW-14 ISCh RW-13 Undralands Moor To Come, Eigandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir, Ræktandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh Sunsweet Look My Way - Móðir: Islands Shelties Midnight Sun):
Excellent eyes, dark and of correct shape. Small, well placed ears. Excellent front and shoulders. Ideal topline. Strong hocks, excellent coat. Excellent mover, good extension in front. Correct body pasture when moving.
Exc,2,CK,BR2,R-CACIB: RW-15 NLW-15 ISCh Undralands Grand Scheme, Eigandi: Aðalheiður Sighvatsdóttir, Ræktandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh Robba Dan Krummi - Móðir: RW-15 C.I.B. ISCh Moorwood Follow the Fashion):
Would like the forface more filled under the eyes. Small well placed ears. Well developed body, nice and broad across the loin. Good hindquarters. Nice full coat. Moves well.
Exc,1,CK,JCC,BT1,CC,BOS: Undralands Force Majeure, Eigandi: Herdís G. Tómasdóttir, Ræktandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir (Faðir: ESJCh ISCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Móðir: RW-15 C.I.B. ISCh Moorwood Follow the Fashion):
Nice, dark, corred shaped eyes. Good head proportions. Well placed ears. Good body shape with excellent topline. Nice strong hindquarters. Moved well. Nice, balanced outline.
Vg,3: Undralands Bona Fide, Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir/Þórunn Jónasdóttir, Ræktandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir (Faðir: ESJCh ISCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Móðir: RW-15 C.I.B. ISCh Moorwood Follow the Fashion): Eyes too round, nice ears. A little too high in shoulder. A little too open in the forchest. Good topline. A little too low to the ground in appearance. Moves ok.
Exc,2: Undralands Grótta, Eigandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir / Halldóra Reykdal, Ræktandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir (Faðir: ESJCh ISCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - Móðir: Undralands Moor Than A Feeling): Would like the eyes better shaped. A little strong scull. Excellent topline. Excellent body shape. Nice coat. Good shape when moving. Excellent type.
Ex,1,CK,BT2,CACIB: RW-16 Speedlines Chocolate Crips, Eigandi: Vignir Sigurðsson, Ræktandi: Conny Arvidsson & Junita Arwidsson (Faðir: C.I.B. Limbunya Orion - Móðir: SEUCh NOUCh DKUCh C.I.B. Lundecock's That's It):
Nice expression. Betty Davis eyes. Would like forface stronger. A little high in shoulder. A little too open in forchest. Good topline. Good hindquarters. Would like a thicker coat. Crossing in front when moving. Nice expression.
M.E. Bláfelds White Snow, Eigandi: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir, Ræktandi: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir (Faðir: RW-14 ISCh RW-13 Undralands Moor To Come - Móðir: RW-14 ISCh RW-13 Bláfelds Snowflake)
Exc,1: Sólstafa Lukku Lucky Lady, Eigandi: Hulda Finnsdóttir, Ræktandi: Sigríður Hrund Guðmundsdóttir (Faðir: C.I.B. ISCh Bláfelds Arctic Gun - Móðir: Undralands Moor Than A Feeling):
A little strong in the head. Too heavy in the body. Topline roaching too much. Good coat. Inclined to overreach behind when moving. Too heavy in body and topline not correct.
M.E. ISCh Moorwood Aflame of Charm, Eigandi: Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir / Herdís Hallmarsdóttir, Ræktandi: Birgitta & Per Svarstad (Faðir: NORDUCh DKUCh INTUCh PTChWW-01 LUCh Moorwood Handsome Boss - Móðir: SEUCh EECh FIUCh SEW-11 Moorwood Aflame of Passion)
Exc,1,HP: Undralandsræktun: Moor To Come, Ego, Force Majeure:
Correct expression right across this group. Small, well placed ears. Good topline and body shapes. Nice clean movers.