RW meistarastigssýning HRFÍ 23. júlí 2016
Dómari: Lilja D Halldórsdóttir
Unghundar tíkur
Exc,1,ck,BT1,cc,BOB,RW-16 Speedlines Chocolate Crisps (C.I.B. NORD VV-15 SEUch SE V-15 SE VV-15 Limbunya Orion - C.I.B. DKUch NOUch NO V-12 SEUch Lundecock´s That´s It) Rækt: Conny & Juanita Arvidsson, eig: Vignir Sigurðsson
Elegant, kvenleg unghundatík af góðri stærð og frábærri tegundargerð. Fallegt fleyglaga höfuð. Möndlulaga augu. Vel ásett og borin eyru. Mildur svipur. Góður háls og axlir. Falleg flæðandi yfirlína. Nægilega langt skott, vel borið. Nokkuð bein í bógbeini. Mætti hafa meira brjóst. Góðar afturfótaliðbeygjur. Hreyfir sig tegundartýpiskt með góðri skreflengd en nokkuð þröng að framan. Rétt feldgerð en í sumarfeldi í dag. Ljúf skapgerð.
Alþjóðleg sýning HRFÍ 24. júlí 2016
Dómari: Ramune Kazlauskaite frá Litháen
Ungliðaflokkur Rakkar
Ex,1,CK,JCC,BR2,CC: Undralands Ego, (ISCh JCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - CIB ISCh RW-15 Moorwood Follow The Fashion) Rækt: Lilja D Halldórs/Herdís Hallmars, eig. Gunnlaugur Þráinsson
Very good type. Correct size. Very good bones. Nice long head and filled muzzle. Typical expression. Correct eyes and ears. Correct topline. Very well developed chest. Very good angulations. Free movements. Excellent coat.
Meistaraflokkur Rakkar
Ex,1,CK,BR1,CC,CACIB,BOB,BIG-1 RW-15 NLW-15 ISCH Undralands Grand Scheme, (CIB ISCh Robba Dan Krummi - CIB ISCH RW-15 Moorwood Follow the Fashion) Rækt. Lilja D Halldórsd. eig. Aðalheiður Sighvatsd.
Very good type. Correct size. Very good bones. Typical male head. Long strong muzzle. Correct eyes and ears. Nice topline. Very well developed chest and of good length. Very good angulations and balanced movements. Nice coat.
Ex,2,CK,BR-3, v-CACIB: Undralands Moor To Come, (CIB ISCh Sunsweet Look My Way - Island Sheltie Midnight Sun) Rækt: Lilja D Halldórs, eig. Lilja D Halldórs/Herdís Hallmarsd.
Correct size and proportions. Very good bones. Typical male head. Correct eyes, good ears. Very good topline and chest. Very good angulations. Free movements. Nice coat.
Unghundaflokkur tíkur
Exc,1,ck,BT1,CC,BOS RW-16 Speedlines Chocolate Crisps (C.I.B. NORD VV-15 SEUch SE V-15 SE VV-15 Limbunya Orion - C.I.B. DKUch NOUch NO V-12 SEUch Lundecock´s That´s It) Rækt: Conny & Juanita Arvidsson, eig: Vignir Sigurðsson
Correct type. Correct size and proportions. Nice feminine head, long muzzle, correct eyes and ears. Straight topline. Good chest, bit loose elbows. Correct angulations. Free movements.
Vg,2 Bláfelds Moor Snow (RW13&14 ISCh Undralands Moor To Come – RW13&14 ISCh Bláfelds Snowflake) Rækt/Eig: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir
Correct size and proportions. Typical head and expression. Good topline, correct size ears. Very well developed chest. Correct angulations Free movement. Correct quality coat but out of coat.
Dómari: Lilja D Halldórsdóttir
Unghundar tíkur
Exc,1,ck,BT1,cc,BOB,RW-16 Speedlines Chocolate Crisps (C.I.B. NORD VV-15 SEUch SE V-15 SE VV-15 Limbunya Orion - C.I.B. DKUch NOUch NO V-12 SEUch Lundecock´s That´s It) Rækt: Conny & Juanita Arvidsson, eig: Vignir Sigurðsson
Elegant, kvenleg unghundatík af góðri stærð og frábærri tegundargerð. Fallegt fleyglaga höfuð. Möndlulaga augu. Vel ásett og borin eyru. Mildur svipur. Góður háls og axlir. Falleg flæðandi yfirlína. Nægilega langt skott, vel borið. Nokkuð bein í bógbeini. Mætti hafa meira brjóst. Góðar afturfótaliðbeygjur. Hreyfir sig tegundartýpiskt með góðri skreflengd en nokkuð þröng að framan. Rétt feldgerð en í sumarfeldi í dag. Ljúf skapgerð.
Alþjóðleg sýning HRFÍ 24. júlí 2016
Dómari: Ramune Kazlauskaite frá Litháen
Ungliðaflokkur Rakkar
Ex,1,CK,JCC,BR2,CC: Undralands Ego, (ISCh JCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant - CIB ISCh RW-15 Moorwood Follow The Fashion) Rækt: Lilja D Halldórs/Herdís Hallmars, eig. Gunnlaugur Þráinsson
Very good type. Correct size. Very good bones. Nice long head and filled muzzle. Typical expression. Correct eyes and ears. Correct topline. Very well developed chest. Very good angulations. Free movements. Excellent coat.
Meistaraflokkur Rakkar
Ex,1,CK,BR1,CC,CACIB,BOB,BIG-1 RW-15 NLW-15 ISCH Undralands Grand Scheme, (CIB ISCh Robba Dan Krummi - CIB ISCH RW-15 Moorwood Follow the Fashion) Rækt. Lilja D Halldórsd. eig. Aðalheiður Sighvatsd.
Very good type. Correct size. Very good bones. Typical male head. Long strong muzzle. Correct eyes and ears. Nice topline. Very well developed chest and of good length. Very good angulations and balanced movements. Nice coat.
Ex,2,CK,BR-3, v-CACIB: Undralands Moor To Come, (CIB ISCh Sunsweet Look My Way - Island Sheltie Midnight Sun) Rækt: Lilja D Halldórs, eig. Lilja D Halldórs/Herdís Hallmarsd.
Correct size and proportions. Very good bones. Typical male head. Correct eyes, good ears. Very good topline and chest. Very good angulations. Free movements. Nice coat.
Unghundaflokkur tíkur
Exc,1,ck,BT1,CC,BOS RW-16 Speedlines Chocolate Crisps (C.I.B. NORD VV-15 SEUch SE V-15 SE VV-15 Limbunya Orion - C.I.B. DKUch NOUch NO V-12 SEUch Lundecock´s That´s It) Rækt: Conny & Juanita Arvidsson, eig: Vignir Sigurðsson
Correct type. Correct size and proportions. Nice feminine head, long muzzle, correct eyes and ears. Straight topline. Good chest, bit loose elbows. Correct angulations. Free movements.
Vg,2 Bláfelds Moor Snow (RW13&14 ISCh Undralands Moor To Come – RW13&14 ISCh Bláfelds Snowflake) Rækt/Eig: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir
Correct size and proportions. Typical head and expression. Good topline, correct size ears. Very well developed chest. Correct angulations Free movement. Correct quality coat but out of coat.