(Alþjóðleg sýning HRFÍ í Víðidal 14.-15. nóvember 2015
Dómari: Johan Juslin, Finnlandi. Dómari tegundarhóps (group judge): Leni Finne, Finnlandi.
Skráðir hundar: 8
Opinn flokkur rakkar (open class)
Ex,1,ck,BR1,cc,cacib,BOB,BIG-3 JCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant (AUCh C.I.B. EECh FIUch LTCh SE&DKUch Louanda Simply Gold- C.I.B. EECh FIUch SEUch SE V-11 Moorwood Aflame of Passion) . Rækt: Birgitta & Per Svarstad. Eig: Lilja D Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir.
Excellent breed type. Nice head and profile. Underjaw needs to be stronger. Nice body shape. Moves very well with correct tail carrige. He is a little unsure of himself.
Meistaraflokkur rakkar (champ.class)
Exc,1,ck,BR2,v-cacib ISCh RW-13 & 14 Undralands Moor To Come (CIB ISCh Sunsweet Look My Way - Islands Shelties Midnight Sun), Rækt: Lilja D Halldórsdóttir Eig: Lilja D Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir.
Exc. head in profile with nice stop and ear set. Nice shoulders. Level topline. Could have longer drive in movements. Nice coat.
Vg,2 ISCh RW-15 NLW-15 Undralands Grand Scheme (CIB ISCh Robba Dan Krummi - RW-15 CIB ISCh Moorwood Follow The Fashion) Rækt: Lilja D Halldórsdóttir. Eig: Aðalheiður Sighvatsdóttir.
V. fem. in head with light narrow underjaw. Too much stop. Scull is too deep. Exc. body shape. Nice side movements. Proud of his tail when moving.
Ungliðaflokkur tíkur (junior class)
Exc,1,ck,BT1,cc,BOS Bláfelds Moor Snow (RW-13 & 14 ISCh Undralands Moor To Come - RW-13 & 14 ISCh Bláfelds Snowflake) Rækt & eig: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir.
Very promising junior bitch with lovely conformation and very nice head. Excellent neck line floating beautifully over shoulders. Puppy coat. Moves well.
Unghundaflokkur tíkur (intm.class)
Exc,1,ck,BT2,cacib Sólstafa Lukku Lucky Lady (CIB ISCh Bláfelds Arctic Gun - Undralands Moor Than A Feeling). Rækt: Sigríður G. Guðmundsdóttir. Eig: Hulda Finnsdóttir.
Excellent breed type. Very feminine head in profile. Exc. neck and topline. Good bones. Moves very well around. Exc. coat.
Meistaraflokkur tíkur (champ.class)
Exc,1,ck,BT3,v-cacib ISCh RW-13&14 Bláfelds Snowflake (CIB ISCh Robba Dan Krummi - Bláfelds Archtic Midnight Sun). Rækt/Eig: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir.
Nice size with sweet expression. Nice arched neck. Nice bones. Not in full coat today. A beautiful bitch to have eyes on.
Exc,2: ISCh Moorwood Aflame of Charm (DKUch INTUch LUCh NORDUch PTCh WW-01 Moorwood Handsome Boss - C.I.B. EECh FIUch SEUch SE V-11 Moorwood Aflame of Passion). Rækt: Birgitta & Per Svarstad. Eig: Lilja D Halldórsdóttir og Herdís Hallmarsdóttir.
A bitch of very small size, just 33 cm plus snipy foreface. Short neck. Good body shape. Like to see her with stronger hindquarters. Moves very well.
Dómari: Johan Juslin, Finnlandi. Dómari tegundarhóps (group judge): Leni Finne, Finnlandi.
Skráðir hundar: 8
Opinn flokkur rakkar (open class)
Ex,1,ck,BR1,cc,cacib,BOB,BIG-3 JCh Moorwood Simply Pleasant (AUCh C.I.B. EECh FIUch LTCh SE&DKUch Louanda Simply Gold- C.I.B. EECh FIUch SEUch SE V-11 Moorwood Aflame of Passion) . Rækt: Birgitta & Per Svarstad. Eig: Lilja D Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir.
Excellent breed type. Nice head and profile. Underjaw needs to be stronger. Nice body shape. Moves very well with correct tail carrige. He is a little unsure of himself.
Meistaraflokkur rakkar (champ.class)
Exc,1,ck,BR2,v-cacib ISCh RW-13 & 14 Undralands Moor To Come (CIB ISCh Sunsweet Look My Way - Islands Shelties Midnight Sun), Rækt: Lilja D Halldórsdóttir Eig: Lilja D Halldórsdóttir/Herdís Hallmarsdóttir.
Exc. head in profile with nice stop and ear set. Nice shoulders. Level topline. Could have longer drive in movements. Nice coat.
Vg,2 ISCh RW-15 NLW-15 Undralands Grand Scheme (CIB ISCh Robba Dan Krummi - RW-15 CIB ISCh Moorwood Follow The Fashion) Rækt: Lilja D Halldórsdóttir. Eig: Aðalheiður Sighvatsdóttir.
V. fem. in head with light narrow underjaw. Too much stop. Scull is too deep. Exc. body shape. Nice side movements. Proud of his tail when moving.
Ungliðaflokkur tíkur (junior class)
Exc,1,ck,BT1,cc,BOS Bláfelds Moor Snow (RW-13 & 14 ISCh Undralands Moor To Come - RW-13 & 14 ISCh Bláfelds Snowflake) Rækt & eig: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir.
Very promising junior bitch with lovely conformation and very nice head. Excellent neck line floating beautifully over shoulders. Puppy coat. Moves well.
Unghundaflokkur tíkur (intm.class)
Exc,1,ck,BT2,cacib Sólstafa Lukku Lucky Lady (CIB ISCh Bláfelds Arctic Gun - Undralands Moor Than A Feeling). Rækt: Sigríður G. Guðmundsdóttir. Eig: Hulda Finnsdóttir.
Excellent breed type. Very feminine head in profile. Exc. neck and topline. Good bones. Moves very well around. Exc. coat.
Meistaraflokkur tíkur (champ.class)
Exc,1,ck,BT3,v-cacib ISCh RW-13&14 Bláfelds Snowflake (CIB ISCh Robba Dan Krummi - Bláfelds Archtic Midnight Sun). Rækt/Eig: Guðrún Th. Guðmundsdóttir.
Nice size with sweet expression. Nice arched neck. Nice bones. Not in full coat today. A beautiful bitch to have eyes on.
Exc,2: ISCh Moorwood Aflame of Charm (DKUch INTUch LUCh NORDUch PTCh WW-01 Moorwood Handsome Boss - C.I.B. EECh FIUch SEUch SE V-11 Moorwood Aflame of Passion). Rækt: Birgitta & Per Svarstad. Eig: Lilja D Halldórsdóttir og Herdís Hallmarsdóttir.
A bitch of very small size, just 33 cm plus snipy foreface. Short neck. Good body shape. Like to see her with stronger hindquarters. Moves very well.